Saturday, November 05, 2011

And the winners of the Give-Away are ...

Mix and stir and blend it so,

Pick five winners ~ and here we go ...

The winner of the book and candle set is Tangerine Fingers.

Second prize ~ the Homemade hanging Yule Wreaths winner is Witchy.

Third prize ~ the Silver & Black Pentacle candle winner is Jason.

Fourth prize ~  the Yule Wreath Set #1 winner is Diandra.
 and the Fifth Prize ~ Yule Wreath Set #2 goes to Vivienne.

Congradulations to all of the winners and my sincere "thank you" to everyone who participated! If the winners would please e-mail me their addresses at, I would be very happy to send you your gift prizes! (your personal addresses will remain private I assure you).

Although I wish I could have made all of you winners, I will be holding another Give-Away around Ostara of this coming year.

And, on a more personal note, I would like to express my loving graditude to one of my most long-time and dearest friends, Bliss, who gave me the confidence to start my Wiccan Blog and whose support means the world to me!

Brightest Blessings to All and have a great weekend!!!


  1. Thank you so much for the give-away. The Yule wreath stet will go perfectly in my home.

    Blessings to you and yours, V.

  2. Vivienne ~ You are very welcome indeed and thank you!


  3. Congrats to the winners of all these great gifts. Kim, you are a blessing to all of us!

  4. Love ya Kimmie!

  5. Thank you so much! This really special to me, I've never won anything in my life :-) I almost cried because I am so used to not winning, ever!! :-)
    Best wishes and much love to everyone!

  6. Congratulations to all. I'm so glad to have found this blog and you !

    Peace and Happiness to ALL !

  7. Artsings ~ I just very recently had to set my comments to monitor as I had gotten a VERY profane comment from an ignorant "annonymous" user on one of my later posts. I do apologize for this inconvenience!

    Hugs to you!


  8. Oh wow...maybe I should do that also. Thanks and Blessings,

  9. Hey Kim! I can't believe I won! I must say though that I have no room to put your beautiful wreaths! :( This made me a very sad little witch. Then I thought why shouldn't I give them to someone! If you may can you please send them to Artsings as an early Yule present! Thank you for including me in this wonderful giveaway.

  10. Witchy ~ Of course! I will be more than happy to do that for you both!!!

    Blessings always,


  11. Thanks so much! Much love. ~Witchy
