Thursday, November 03, 2011

Just a Reminder: The Wiccan Life Blog Drawing is on Saturday, Nov. 5th!


  1. Woo hoo! Only 2 more days!

  2. Bliss ~ You know it, girlfriend! LOL!!!! :D

  3. Hey, I just noticed that my comments aren't showing up. Does that happen from time to time? Love and Light,

  4. Artsings ~ Hmm, not to my knowledge? Sometimes when I try to comment on other blogs Blogger won't allow me to. I have no indea why, though? Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I do not monitor any comments on this blog as I have my settings for anyone to be able to comment. I am sorry and I will see what I can do. In the mean time, you may feel free to e-mail me at my personal e-mail and I will make sure that your comments get added. (

    Brightest Blessings always,


  5. ArtSings ~ Also, would you be interested in participating in the drawing? If so, I will most gladly add you on.


  6. Ooops, got this too late. I did ask to be included but it didn't take it seems. I had a big mix up yesterday with my post about Fairy Trees ... I spent hours on it ... something funky happened and I had to do the whole thing over twice! You know, I do think it's me somehow. Love and Light, Jan
