Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Something new for Yule this Year

I remember shopping at a local flea market a few years ago looking to buy a book on Jewish culture for my Wiccan friend as a Yule gift. I saw a used book stand and confidently walked up to the saleswoman and said, "Good day! I was wondering if you would happen to have any books on Christmas? I have a friend who wishes to learn more about his Jewish heritage." Of course, after I misspoke I immediately realized my "slip of the tongue." But before I had the chance to correct myself, she very sternly replied, "No, no it's Hanukkah, my de-ah, Hanukkah!" I promptly apologized and we both shared a little chuckle, deservedly so, at my expense.

The friend whom I am referring to is my very dear friend and our long-time solitary group member, Matthew. When it comes to witches, some of us are what are considered to be a hereditary witch - meaning a witch who can trace his or her bloodline back at least three generations. Some of us are natural witches and some of us are even mixed with another faith. Such is the case with my friend Matthew. He is a Wiccan; however, he also chooses to acknowledge his Jewish roots. Traditonally in the Jewish religion, it is the mothers' side of the family which determines the faith of the next generation of children. Even though Matt's mother does not choose follow the Jewish faith, his grandmother did.

(taken from the CD, "Songs of the Earth")
Since every year I try to add something a little new and different to my rituals, I thought that I would add this old Yiddish folk song called, "May Sweetest Dreams Be Thine" for us to sing right after the lighting of the Triple Goddess and the God candles. I heard this song growing up as it was one of the songs off of my favorite Christmas album which my mom always played endlessly. I have always thought that it was such a beautiful song and whenever I hear it now I think about our God born of the Goddess at Yule.

"May Sweetest Dreams Be Thine"

Shalom, lecha, may peace be with Thee, ahavti, O Baby mine,
Alma k'dosha, alma k'dosha, may sweetest dreams be thine.

Lu, lu, lu, lu, lu, lu, lu, lu. . .

They say a star shines bright in the heavens to glorify a newborn King.
But sleep, my Joy, let no one destroy Thy peaceful slumbering.

With gems and gold, with myrrh and frankincense,
All in praise came travelers three.
I wonder why, I wonder why they came in praise of Thee.

(Shalom lecha = peace to you; Ahavti = You have my love; Alma k'dosha = virgin holy)


  1. The words to the song are lovely! A nice addition to your celebration indeed.

  2. Thanks, Robin! I just love the harmonies in it as well ~ so beautiful really.



  3. Very beautiful lyrics. Thank you for sharing this. I love new traditions and this one is lovely.

    Blessings and Love, V.

  4. Aww yes. Isn't it awesome how versatile Wicca is? I was asked by a friend once whether Wicca can be mixed with other religions and I was glad to say that it can. I suppose any religions can be mixed though depending upon the person.

  5. Vivienne ~ Thanks, V! I really love this one a lot. It has sentimental meaning to me as well!!

    Witchy ~ Agreed! I, too, am so happy for the versatality of our religion of Wicca! Actually, Kabbala is very much like a Wiccan tradition for the Jewish faith really. But,my friend considers himself an Ecclectic Wiccan none-the-less as I do.

    Love and Blessings to all,

