Thursday, December 01, 2011

"Books Are Fun" Day and other stuff ...

Yesterday, we had another "Books Are Fun" day at work. This one was a bit bigger than the last one so I was able to get a lot of Yule shopping done this time ~ a couple of books, some flameless candles, DVD sets , and a few other things ...

   Vanilla scented flameless candle set

a warm Winter Solstice blanket

 Lately, my hubby has been making handmade scented oil lamps as a hobby ... I rather like them!

 And I also got some of my gift wrapping done ~ with a little help from my fur babies of course ...

"Looks like fun mom, can I help?"

 "Okay, now that your done, can I help open them?"

The other night my husband and I caught Midnight trying to get into his cat stocking as if he were looking for his "goodies" already. Pets, you just gotta love 'em! LOL!


  1. are getting so much done. We usually have all our decorating done by now, but it's been on mishap after another around here. It's a good thing my positive affirmations have kicked in and I seem to be taking it all in stride. I do believe the Goddess is watching out for us and we just have to be patient, and have gratitude for what we do have and know all will be well. Love the oil lamps. Hand made items are so very much better don't you think.
    Love and Light and Happiness to you, dear sister.

  2. Artsings ~ Absolutely! I think that handmade items and gifts are definately the best! And you are very right about the Goddess. I think that both the Goddess and God are always looking out for us! ;)

    Love and hugs,


  3. You are so efficient and organized, Kim! Shopping, wrapping, decorating. And cats are very good at assisting...especially helping with the ribbon!!

  4. I love your fur babies!! I want to play with them ;o) The scented oil lamps look amazing! Do you think your hubby could make me some ;o) Blessings my friend ;o)
