Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Beautiful gifts, thoughtful friends

Every year, a good friend of mine, Judy, and my sister Robin and I exchange our Yule/Christmas presents at work. Judy also happens to be my "cat-sitter" and an excellent one at that! She, like me, is a cat fanatic who also has three sweet dogs ~ a beagle, a basset hound and a black labrador retriever. Robin, as you well know, is my partner in crime, um, I mean candle shopping ~ making our rather frequent trips to the local Yankee Candle store which is located only three blocks away from our office building.

The gifts I received this year were not only thoughtful, they were heart-felt ...

Beautiful, festive Yule/Christmas Mermaid ornament

Lovely Mermaid Jewelry Box

Adorable "Jim Shore" Cat ornament

"Holiday Sage" Yankee Candle with Angel Luma-lid

Not only do I get gifts, my cats do as well from their "Auntie Judy" who adorns them with all kinds of kitty treats and toys ...

Of course, the "real" gift is the gift of their precious friendship ~ the wonderfully thoughtful presents are merely the icing on the "friendship" cake so to speak! 


  1. Wonderful gifts. Love the mermaid box!!! And yes, you are right, the gift of friendship is the best!!!

    Happy Yule, V.

  2. I love all the special gifts! How Wonderful! The cats look like they are having fun ;o) And, you are right, friendship, is the best gift of all ;o) Happy Yule ;o)
