Friday, December 23, 2011

Houston, we have a problem ...

So, last night after I got home from work my husband utters those words that no Blogger wishes to hear, "The computer died!"  Eeek! The look on my face must have said it all and reminded him quite a bit of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings  ~ "No, no,  not my precious!" as he laughed at me hysterically!

The funny thing is, a couple of years ago I could have cared less and could seriously never understand why he was so "dependent" on using a computer. Since getting involved with blogging and meeting so many wonderful people whom I can atleast in part thank our computer for, I now understand.  Which is, of course, why he found my reaction so amusing.

Needless to say, we purchased a new one for a very good price today and I am happy to say that we are able to communicate with our networking friends again.

Anyway, I hope that everyone had a very joyous and memorable Yule! This is going to be a busy weekend with the Christmas holiday upon us and spending some more time with family and friends.

So, we will continue to eat, drink and be merry! Wishing all of you the same and a wonderful weekend, too!


  1. lol! Hope you had a very blessed Yule and a Merry Christmas, too!

  2. Oh no! Did you have a funeral for the dearly departed? lol At least you got a new pc fairly quickly. I've unfortunately suffered from PC withdraw in the past and it isn't fun!

  3. So glad you are up and running again. I was very happy when my girls chose internet over cable. Don't know what I'd do if I couldn't visit blog land.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours, V.

  4. Kim, I feel your pain at the words "computer died"; how awful! Thanks goodness you could get a new one so quickly!!! Have a wonderful holiday with your family and friends and here's a big Christmas hug from me!!

  5. Have a great holiday with your family!

  6. Oh I'm so glad everything is ok now. We got our last computer at Costco at a fantastic price. Happy Holidays and have a wonderful, marvelous weekend.

    Love and Light,

  7. Kim ;o) I am so sorry your computer died!!! But, I am happy you got another one so quickly ;o) Have a wonderful weekend with family and friends ;o) I know I keep saying this, but I hope you got my surprise giveaway gift ;o) I think everyone else has got their's! Hugs ;o)
