Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Out of the blue

As you are all aware, I have been an ordained Pagan clergy member for the Universal Life Church since March of 2002. Last Saturday afternoon, I received a phone call from a woman who is also an ordained Minister of my Church. She had found my name and information in the Minister Directory on the ULC website where I am registered. She called me in order to get some information about Pennyslvania State laws regarding ULC marriage as her niece had asked her to officiate her wedding here in PA.

Now, as far as PA is concerned, the laws are fairly "iffie" at best. That's right, for all of the lip service that is given to "freedom of religion,"we still fall a tad short of the meaning ~ even though most States do actually recognize the ULC as a legitimate religious organization. I explained to her that in the State of PA, the law requires that at least one of the participants getting married must be a member of the ULC. I also advised her to contact the County in which the legal marriage was to take place. In her case, it happened to be Montgomery County (I am located in Berks).

Officiating at Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's legal interfaith Handfasting ceremony ~ 2003

The fact is, ULC is a legitimate Church and has fought for the legal rights of ALL religions be they Christian, Pagan, or other. This does not; of course, mean that we, as ULC Ministers, are exempt from following and obeying any and/or all of the individual laws per State. It is imperative that our Ministers, regardless of our religious affiliations, do their homework and find out what each State's legal marriage requirements are in order to be sure that we adhere to them!

I was only too happy to be able to help her and wished she and her niece many blessings!


  1. I'm also a ULC minister. Though I've never officiated any wedding. I got it just to do spiritual counseling. DH is ordained too. I think we were ordained in 2003. Are you on the forum? I'm on there as SalemWitchChild. Though I don't chat on there much anymore.

  2. Salem Witch Child ~ That's great! Actually, performing wedding ceremonies is my favorite part. My husband and I were legally married by a friend of mine who is also an ordained Pagan Minister for ULC. I think that our religion needs more options other than J.P. ceremonies, you know?

    I am not on the forum mainly because I haven't the time usually. :)

    Blessings to you,

