Friday, December 16, 2011

Yule Fires

In ancient days the folk of old
When chilled with fright by the winter's cold,
Did kindle up a great Yule fire
With leaping flames in its' great pyre
So to entice the waning sun
To rise again and wider run;
Its' fiery course across the sky
To warm them so they would not die
So we, whose minds now sense a chill
of anger at the evil will
The human conflict, hate and strife
Which holds a menace over the life,
Would kindle up a flame of love
That we within our hearts many move
In Yuletide joy with love embrace
And thus abide in peace and grace
~ John G. Mackinnon


  1. Beautiful! Love this poem ;o)Blessings ;o)

  2. Love this. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Bright Blessings and Happiness to ALL !
