Wednesday, January 04, 2012

"Astrology Through a Psychic's Eyes": Book Review

"Astrology Through a Psychic's Eyes" written by Sylvia Browne is a delightful and interesting book which delves into the truly personal side of astrology! She combines some very truthful facts about each zodialogical sign along with a very "tongue-in-cheek" kind of humor.

Sylvia Browne is a renowned Psychic and author of several books including, "Adventures of a Psychic," "The Other Side and Back,"God, Creation and Tools for Life," and "Life on the Other Side." She has also written a couple of interesting books on Angels.

One thing I really noticed about this book was the fact that the physical descriptions, emotional traits & characteristics, sign paralells, and sign likes and dislikes were so very detailed. I found myself thinking about everyone I know under each of the individual signs, including myself of course, and getting such a kick out of how very right-on she was ~ LOL!

I would definately recommend this book to anyone who loves astrology as much as I do. It left me wanting to read more! I really loved this book!


  1. This is a coincidence, I just finished her book on psychic healing. It was ok and I got a few tips through the read. Makes me think that I'll do a review later this week. Thanks girlfriend.

    Love and Light to ALL

  2. Very good! Thanks Kim! I appreciate this review! I will have to get this book ;o) Blessings ;o)

  3. Artsings ~ Cool! I guess great minds really do think alike! LOL! I think writing a review of that book is an awesome idea!!! :D

    Magic Love Crow ~ Thanks, my sister! I am glad you liked the review and I think that you will find this book very interesting indeed!! :)

    Love and Blessings to all,

