Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Amazing Pets: The Story of Jeff & Dino

Yesterday in the mail, I received the latestest issue of "Healthy Pets." After reading the article in the Amazing Pets section titled, "The Constant Companion," I just had to share this heart-warming story with all of you.

It is the story about a woman named Jackie Kuhn and her son Jeff Dinkel. Jeff has been stricken with severe epilepsy ever since he was a child which is considered to be multifocal, meaning that his seizures come from more than one place in his brain and often become generalized and they spread so fast that they actually cause him to drop to the floor.

Jackie tells "Healthy Pet" that her son, now 34 years old, "has been on every seizure drug approved by the FDA over the years ~ and some that haven't been!" She said that the family even tried a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that has been known to help thousands of people suffering from epilepsy. She added that "most medications as well as the diet work for a time, but after a while the seizures seem to find ways to override them."

When Jeff was 26 years old, Jackie brought home a therapy dog for him. The two immediately bonded and Jeff named him, "Dino." Dino, who is now 8 years old, is a Golden Retriever and has also had his share of trials and tribulations and had, at one time, been diagnosed with a cancerous Grade 3 tumor in his groin. The family refused to give up on Dino and he underwent chemotherapy, enduring what would result in two major surgeries. A few years later, Dino needed to have yet another surgery, this time having to have his right eye removed, followed by another round of chemotherapy.

Jeff and Dino have become constant companions and have such a special bond. Dino understands hand signals and, due to Jeff's limited ability to communicate verbally, is an enormous asset. According to Jackie, the two find time every day to play fetch and snuggle. In fact, she said that Jeff "holds this 100-pound dog in his arms like a baby."

In conclusion, she says that "there's no amount of medicine that can replace the love and comfort (Jeff) receives from Dino."
"You're My Best Friend" ~ Queen

(Based on an article written by freelance writer Margie Carr. Photo credit: Margie Carr; Charles Bush, CharlesBush.com

1 comment:

  1. Kim, I don't know what to say. What a beautiful man, what a beautiful dog and what a beautiful touching friendship! They have been through so much together! True buddies ;o) Thanks for sharing this story!!
