Monday, January 02, 2012

Heading up the New Year/Young at Heart

Hurray for the start of the new year! I, for one, am gathering my thoughts and planning what I would like to accomplish in 2012. 

We began by spending our New Year's Day enjoying a delicious meal at my parents house. Every year, my mother makes the traditional Pennsylvania Dutch Pork & Sauerkraut dinner ~ my hubby and I, personally, do not care for sauerkraut, but we love the pork and homemade mashed potatoes! This New Year's meal is believed to bring good luck in the year ahead!

Later on after we returned home, I took down our Yule Tree and all of the decorations. As much as I love the tree, by the end of the month of December I am definately ready to put it away until next Yule/Christmas.

Moving forward, I am planning an up-coming blog give-away for the Spring (most likely around Ostara) and a few other surprises throughout this year. Leaving the old year behind makes me think  a bit about the fact that no matter how much things change, remarkably, they still seem to stay the same.

For example, in my New Year's Eve post, I threw in a video clip of Neil Young's "Rockin' in the Free World." I hadn't really thought much about it other than I love Neil Young's music and thought it would be a fun song to add to my post. For anyone who isn't familiar with Neil Young, he is a rock'n'roll icon! He is a singer/songwriter/muscian who hails from Ontario, Canada and is associated with such bands as "Buffalo Springfield," "Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young," "Crazy Horse," and even "Pearl Jam." 

I have included a couple of videos of his more recognizable hits of his career. I found the video for Buffalo Springfield's "For What It's Worth" very interesting as it shows the "signs of the time" during the 60's. (Hmmm, as I said, I find it so very interesting that nothing really changes in our society). 

I hope you enjoy and I wish everyone a very happy and healthy year!!

"For What It's Worth" ~ Buffalo Springfield (Neil Young on left)

"Cinnamon Girl"

"The Needle and the Damage Done"

"Harvest Moon"


  1. Happy New Year Kim ;o) Yeh, Neil Young ;o) Here we go again talking about Ontario Canada ;o) It's calling you Kim ;o) It's so true, "they" say we have progressed so much, but really so many things in this world have stayed the same!
    Many blessings to you and your loved ones for the New Year ;o)

  2. Magic Love Crow ~ And a very Happy New Year to you, my dear friend! LOL, I think you may be right about Ontario. My in-laws are planning another trip with us in May only this time instead of driving to Canada, they want to take a cruise there! Small world, eh???

    Hugs to you,

