Tuesday, February 21, 2012

ALERT! Google Friend Connect is going away!!!

That's right, my friends. It looks like Google has gotten too big for its' own britches! As of March 1, 2012, Google has decided to get rid of the Google Friend Connect feature in order to plug its' Google +. This means that any followers who are currently following my blog on Google Friend Connect (and other blogs for that matter) who do not have a blog on Blogger will be automatically deleted from my blog followers by Google from what I have read!!!

Personally, I think this really stinks, but fortunately I have decided to join Linky Followers as many of my fellow bloggers have already done. I have added a Linky Followers link on the right-hand side of my blog for those who, I HOPE, will decide to continue to follow my blog by joining! It is pretty easy. It is free and all you really need to join is your e-mail account. That's it.

I would truly miss any one of you should I lose you due to Google. You are so wonderful and I have so enjoyed getting to know many of you through my blog. You are all so wonderful!!!

Brightest Blessings to all,



  1. Thanks for the info,Kim. I have kind of ignored this issue mentioned on other blogs, but I see I must address it. arg, I hate change, especially of a computer nature. Hopefully, I won't have any problem doing the linky thing.

    1. Robin ~ You are welcome and I KNOW exactly what you mean. I hate change, too!! Change and chaos, and computer changes are the worst when you are as computer challenged as I am! LOL! You will be okay with it, if I can figure it out ... loL!



  2. I hate change too!!! I am following you my friend ;o) Hugs ;o)

  3. Hi Kim,yes I am in the United Kingdom.Love Jill xx

  4. Oh what a mess ... I'm using bloglovin for this, but I really don't understand all of this. Many of my followers and friends are using bloglovin and I hate to start having multiple sign ups. I'm going to look at google plus ... I have everything on my Google reader, but I really don't like that at all ... maybe because like most of us it's different from what I'm used to .

    Thanks for this reminder and if you can check out bloglovin ... I haven't gotten too much into it yet so I really can't say one way or another

    Happiness to all.

  5. Today, I've been looking at my sidebar suspiciously, waiting for a bunch of followers to go poof. I know, I need coffee.

    On way nicer news, guess who has a new wand? Thanks so much! I shall brag about it, at Pagan Culture, soon!
