Thursday, February 23, 2012

Busy Birthday Weekend

Today is my (cough, cough), 48th birthday ~ LOL! However, yesterday my sister Robin and a very dear and sweet friend of mine from work surprised me with some very beautiful birthday presents!

My funny B-day cards ;-)

"Willow Tree "Strength, Beauty and Peace Each Day" Journal from sis' Robin

Elegant glass Yankee Candle Set

Later on last night, my mother and father-in-law treated my hubby and I to a delicious dinner at Red Lobster (my choice as "birthday girl" of course). 

Judy 'n' me Birthday pic ~ 1996 ...

... Us on Samhain 2010

On Saturday night my twin soul and one of my long-time and closest friends, Judy, is making all of us a special birthday dinner after which we will exchange our gifts.  Her birthday is always the day after mine and every year for the past 16 years now we make every effort to celebrate our birthday's together.

Then on Sunday my mom is making a homemade spaghetti family dinner for me along with her scrumptious "Wacky Cake" which is a Pennsyvlania Dutch recipe for a moist chocolate cake. MMMM good! Want me to save you all a piece? ;)

Looking forward to a GREAT weekend full of family and friends ~ life is good.


  1. Happy Birthday Kim hope you have a lovely day,save me some of the choc cake you have my addresslol.Enjoy Love Jill xx

    1. Jill ~ Thank you very much, my friend! The choc cake is on its' way to you right now!!! LOL!



  2. Happy happy birthday! Have an awesome 48th year!

    Love Leanne

    1. Leanne ~ Thank you dear friend! It is sooo very good to hear from you again!

      Brightest Blessings,

      Luv, Kim

  3. Happy Birthday To You ;o)
    Happy Birthday To You ;o)
    Happy Birthday Dear Kim ;o)
    Happy Birthday To You ;o))

    Big Warm Hugs my friend ;o) What a fun post! I love your gifts! And, the pictures are very precious! I love Red Lobster! And, I don't mind coming over for some wacky cake and spaghetti ;o) You are speaking my language! LOL! Have a fantastic 48th, you young chicky ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ LMAO!!! Oh my Goddess, you are so funny! And you are the BEST, my good friend! Thanks and your food is on its' way to you pronto!! LOL!!

      Big hugs,


  4. KIM KIM KIM!!!!!!! Happy Happy Happy Birthday!! I am hugging you! (and while I am hugging you I am stealing a piece of that wacky cake behind your back!!) Sounds like a bunch of wonderful celebrations. You are blessed with lots of love and fun! ENJOY!

    1. Robin ~ LOL!!!! I saw that! That's okay, you are welcome to steal a piece of my birthday cake anytime, my friend! ;)



  5. a very blessed and happy Natal Anniversary to you!!!!!!
    enjoy your special day....may it be filled with all that brings you joy and happiness!

  6. Oh, sorry I missed this. Happy Happy Birthday, dear one.

    Happiness to all.
