Saturday, February 18, 2012

And the winner's are ...

Good morning, my friends!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. I am getting started bright and early this morning to bring you all the winner's of my Spring Give-Away!

And here goes ...

The winner of the homemade "Wheel of the Year" wreath is Jill

The winner of "The Modern Witch's Book of Herbs and Healing" is Robin Larkspur

The decorative Faerie Wand winner is Magaly

The winner of the "Astrology Through a Psychic's Eyes" is Sunshineshelle

And finally, the winner of the "Sabbats Almanac" is Bliss

A very special "Thank You" to each and every one of you who have participated! Please believe me when I say that I wish I could have given a gift to everyone. I so really do love doing give-aways and I am planning another one possibly close to Midsummer ~ so watch for it, my friends!

If the winner's would be so kind as to e-mail me their addresses within the next couple of days, I would be very happy to get your gifts out to you within the coming week. I assure you that your personal addresses will remain private!!! My e-mail address is

(I will hold the gifts for three days, no longer. In the interest of fairness, If a gift is not claimed via e-mail, I will pick another winner in its' place). 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!!


  1. Oh yeah!!! That is just what I was hoping to win!!!! The only thing that could possibly make this any better would be for it to be delivered in person (hint, hint!!!) Thank you so much, my sister!

  2. Bliss ~ You are very welcome, my sister! (hint, hint, very funny, my dear ~ LOL)

    Congrads and Enjoy,


  3. Oh Sweet Isis! Kim, I am thrilled to be one of your winners! This is very exciting. Thanks a bunch, and congrats to the other winners, too! Hugs, Robin.

  4. Ok, if someone doesn't pick up their gift, I am taking it! No more nice person! LOL! Congrats everyone ;o) Hugs, Kim ;o)

  5. Oh Im so excited to be one of the winners thank you so much,I shall be on the door step each morning to see Mr again Love Jill xx

  6. No Stacy not MY gift LOL!!!!! Thanks so much for Astrology Through a Psychic's Eyes I think it sounds BRILLIANT!!!!!! Kim thank you so much, I'm on my way out but will email asap :) Congrats to the other winners too :)

  7. I'm all happy giggles, thanks so much. I won exactly what I wanted, how cool is that?

    I emailed you my info, yesterday. Send me a line at magalyguerrero @ live . com, if you didn't get it.

    Thanks again!

    1. Magaly ~ That's great!I did receive your e-mail with your address. Thank you so much,my friend! I will mail out all of the gifts early this week!
