Sunday, February 19, 2012

Pay It Forward 2012!!

Happy Sunday everyone! Gotta question for you? Would anyone like a free handmade wreath made by me??? Allow me to explain.

I am joining Linda from Olde Baggs'n Stuft Shirts, "Pay It Forward 2012." I first read about it actually on the cool blog MagicLoveCrow and felt very much compelled to join the fun!!!

This is how it works:

I promise to make something handmade for the first 5 people who comment on my blog about this post ~

They must in turn post this and make something for the first 5 people who comment on their blog ... and so on.

The rules are that it must be made by you and they must receive it by 2013. It is a great way to both share your passion for your work with others and spread some positive energy around to all!!!

Brightest Blessings,



  1. Oh what a brill idea I would like to join in please sounds like fun.Love Jill xx

  2. Excellent, Jill!!! You're in, my friend!

    Blessings to you,


  3. Kim, I added 3 more people to my pay it forward, so can I be involved with yours ;o)

    1. Oh, that is sooo cool, Stacy! Thank you very much, my dear friend!!!

      Big Hugs,

