Friday, February 24, 2012

Special Surprise for Mom and ... Mom?

As you all know, I feel as though I have two loving moms ~ my "real" mom whom I am very blesssed with and my wonderful mother-in-law whom my mom also thinks the world of.

Lately, I have been really enjoying making decorative wreaths because it is so relaxing and therapeudic for me. It is kind of funny because every time I take my wreaths to the "Mail 'n' Ship 4 U" place where I mail out my blog give-away gifts, the owner who also works there always says to me, "Did you make these? These are beautiful!" LOL! I have to admit that it makes me feel like I did something good! ;- )

Anyway, I thought that while I was at it, I would make a couple of special ones for both my moms. The one above I made for my mother-in-law called, "Home is where the heart is" and the other one is a heart-shaped winter wreath  for my mom ...

Speaking of wreaths, I still have 3 spots left for my "Pay It Forward 2012" if anyone is interested in joining me! Also, for those who have already participated I want you to know that I sent your specially made wreaths out to you yesterday. Have an awesome weekend everybody!!

1 comment:

  1. Both wreaths are so beautiful! Your moms will love them ;o) Yeh!!! My wreath is in the mail?? Yeh!!! Happy Dance!!! Great day today!! If no one joins you, maybe I could do 3 more pay it forwards?? LOL! Just thinking out loud ;o) Big Hugs my friend ;o)
