Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Animal House

For the next week I will be cat-sitting Niecy. Niecy belongs to my friend Britnee's daughter Kylie. Niecy's family will be leaving for their yearly trip to Florida and so I am watching her just as I did last year.

My friend and Reiki client, Britnee

She is a cute little gray and white tabby cat and an absolute delight! She's also very familiar with me since I have visited her home on many an occasion. She always runs right up to me and sits on my lap!

I have a huge dog cage set up downstairs aside of my Reiki Room for her which is big enough to hold a regular size litter box, a food dish, water bowl, large blanket to keep her warm and her toys from home.

About an hour after my friend dropped her off at my home, I received a phone call from Kylie asking me how her kitty is doing and she thanked me for her candles (she just loves candles so much that I sent a couple of votives along home for my friend to give to her). Kylie is such a great little girl!
Kylie, Niecy's "mommy"

I also thought I'd add a pic of my favorite kitty cat Midnight keeping his buddy Sam company. He does this almost every day!

Yep, that's right. Just call me "crazy cat lady"! LOL!!!


  1. How nice of you ... this is such a wonderful and kind thing to do for your friend. I am so glad Niecy knows you so she isn't freaked out ... kitties usually don't like change and miss their mommy very much.

    Happiness to all.

    1. Artsings ~ You know me, I love cats and Niecy is such a sweet little cat!I assured Kylie that her kitty would be just fine and I would give Niecy a hug for her! That made her laugh!! ;)



  2. You are a beautiful crazy cat lady ;o) This warms my heart ;o) Thanks for being you ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ Thank you so much my friend for your sweet comments! It helps to surround myself with beautiful people such as you!

      Big Hugs,


  3. Your not crazy - just have abundant love to share :)

    1. Sunshineshelle ~ Thank ao much, my friend! I do love my kitty cats! My life would be boring without them in it!! LOL!


