Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dreams ...

Has anyone ever had a premonition or an answer to a question appear to you in the form of a dream? I have, many, many times over. Strange, but none-the-less true!

I actually keep a dream journal beside my bed and have for years. I have found that it really helps since dreams seem to have a very short life span and by the time you wake up in the morning, chances are you will have forgotten much of what you have dreamed. 

For example, the following is an excerpt from my dream journal which is just a mere sample of what my dreams are like:

October 26, 2002 ~ "Last night, I dreamt that I was in bed and heard a knock at the door. When I answered the door, there was a woman standing there. She approached me and told me that her name was "Maria" and that she was seeing my husband! I got upset as she insisted that she was sleeping with him and I kept telling her that I knew that he wasn't and that I was the one who was married to him ~ not her!"

After I woke up and had written all of this down in my journal, I told Brett about my dream and asked him if he knew of a woman named "Maria"? His answer ~ he explained to me that he used to date a girl named Maria in High School and that she was actually his first girlfriend.

Now, keep in mind that my husband had never mentioned her  to me before ~ ever!!!  Pretty weird, right? I thought so. But, my intuitions seem to come to me in dream form a lot.

Another example is when I dreamt that my former boss appoached me at my desk just as I was getting ready to start work. She asked if she could speak to me in the conference room. I went. And just before I found out what she wanted with me, I woke up! Sure enough, I went into work that morning and low and behold, my former boss really did come up to me and ask to see me in the conference room! I must have had the most shocked look on my face, honestly! What could she have wanted? Was I going to get fired through her or something?

Luckily, it turned out that she had called me in to ask me to return to my previous job with her as my boss again. She told me that she really needed me to come back as the work load had gotten so out of hand and would I help her? I was thrilled to say the least as she was the best boss I had ever had and that's the truth. I then explained to her about my dream and she replied, "Well, you know what they say about karma?" I just smiled.

Night visions are common for me and I have grown used to them over these many years. I try not to fear them as I really have no control over the matter. And I suppose that it may be a sort of blessing from the Goddess.

(image credit)


  1. How wonderful, Kim! I can't think of any, but I don't keep a dream journal, and as you say dreams have a very short life, and I have a very short memory :)

    I like the idea of a dream journal...I'll have to give it some thought~~~

    Hugs & Blessings,

    1. Thanks, Jan! I find these kinds of journals to be very helpful in figuring out certain things that are going on in my life sometimes and I refer to them often.



  2. Kim, this is a great post! My dreams talk to me all the time. Although sometimes, I don't know what they are trying to tell me? A few years ago, my mom and I were planning a trip to the United States to see my brother and his wife. I kept having dreams of a train crashing, rocks falling, horrible things. By the way, we were traveling by train, so this worried me. We did go on the trip. No accidents, but let's just say, it was the worst trip we had ever went on! (My brother and his wife aren't married anymore, so thankful!) I guess my dream was right! I have to start keeping a journal! I use to remember my dreams so clearly, but now, sometimes, I forget them. Big Hugs, Stacy

    1. Stacy ~ Thanks so much! As you can see, dreams can tell us a lot about what is going on in our lives and it was wise of you to pay attention to this one in particular! I am sorry you had such a bad experience coming to the States. I hope you can visit again under better circumstances!

      Blessings, my friend ~


  3. My daughter has given me two journals to write down my dreams. I have a very vivid dream life, with repeating dreams, returning characters, lots of color and action. For some reason, I have not used these journals once. But over the years I have dreams with members of my family who have passed coming to me. I really need to start keeping a journal! You are such an inspiration to do this. Thanks for sharing this post about your dreams.

    1. Robin ~ Thanks! I also have those types of dreams once in a while and they always mean something important! I think it would be great if you used the journals that your sweet, thoughtful daughter has given to you! I think you will find it very helpful indeed!

      Brightest Blessings,


  4. I also keep a dream journal - real and online. For precog, inspiration, healing, and sometimes they're just odd. I think it's important to keep one, personally. And it's kind of funny to reflect on them, even if you don't fully understand them. Good, bad, or ugly, I enjoy writing them out. Never know when something may occur later on. ~)O(~

    1. Witchfire ~ They are great, aren't they? I started using my journal a few years ago and I love it! You are so right about dreams ~ sometimes they do not seem to make sense until later on down the road.



    2. I actually know I used to have dreams like that. If I still do I refuse to remember them now. I remember knowing things as a kid and I remember sleep never really being boring. I stopped remembering around the time my grandfather died and have always hated to sleep since. It's nice to know that others are using this gift that I gave up long ago.
