Sunday, March 11, 2012

Painted Leaves

Yesterday after posting my Spring poem, "Eostre" for our up-coming celebration of Ostara here in the Northern Hemishpere, I was asked by my dear friend and long-time blogger buddy Leanne if I had any original poetry for Mabon?

Leanne lives in New Zealand which is the Southern Hemisphere where our fellow Wiccan friends are getting ready to celebrate Mabon/ The Autumn Equinox as we are preparing for Spring. She is a lovely gal with her awesome blog,, "Cottage Tails" and someone  whom I have been lucky enough to call a friend.

So this poem titled, "Painted Leaves" is for Leanne and all of my other Wiccan friends who are celebrating the Autumn Equinox.
Have a very Blessed Mabon all and I hope you enjoy the poem!

Painted Leaves

Colored bed beneath my feet,
The crisp, fresh air grows cool;
Painted leaves adorn the Earth,
All under Modron's rule

Aging Goddess; powerful, wise
Autumn's picture, Nature's guise
Celebration of beauty,
 the wheel turns on;
With painted leaves ~
'tis Blessed Mabon!

~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. THANK YOU!!!! WOW you are gifted with words.

    I will steal this for Mabon posting with your permission of course. (HUGS)
    Love Leanne

  2. Leanne ~ Of course you may, my friend. Please do! And Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! ;)



  3. How lovely of you to think about your friends in the other side of the world. Wonderful.

  4. Kim, this is beautiful! You are gifted my friend ;o) I am now following Cottage Tails! She has a beautiful blog ;o)

  5. Stacy ~ Cool! I am so glad to hear that! Both my mom and I love her blog - very "homey" feeling place!

    Bug hugs,


  6. Kim ... this is just beautiful ... I've been following Cottage Tails for some time now. Makes me think about moving to New Zealand. Such a beautiful post with such good intentions.

    Happiness to all.

  7. Visiting from Leanne's blog...Cottage Tails... and have been following her blog for some time now.
    I too am in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia)so it's nice to be able to find relevant material for our part of the world.
