Monday, March 12, 2012

If it seems too good to be true ...

Remember that old saying, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is"? Well, let's just say that I should have known better...

Now, do you remember the new used 2008 Kia Spectra XS that hubby and I had just purchased last Wednesday night? Well, upon further inspection in the daylight (as we were only able to look at the car after we both had gotten home from work which by that time it is dark out) hubby noticed that something wasn't right under the front end and under the hood. Apparently, this particular car was in a bad collision and the "one owner" had the front end replaced, very, very poorly I might add! And, this was never reported on the Car Fax either!

There seems to be bolts missing from the front end which you can only see if you pop the hood and some part of sorts which "used" to be there and is also missing. What???

Needless to say, we had our mechanic look at it and he sugguested that we take it back to the dealer from whom we bought it and show them the problem.

So now we must either A) try to get our money back for which they are not obligated to do, or B) get the car to a Kia dealer and hope for the best. Have I told you how much I HATE dealing with cars? In my opinion, they are and have always been the biggest (if you'll kindly pardon my expression) pain in the ass there is in life! Atleast for me anyhow. But, what are you going to do, right??? Having a car is a must.

Well, thanks for allowing me to rant, my friends! LOL


  1. I agree...It's always something with cars...

  2. Kim, personally, I would go back to the "asshole" who sold it to you and let him know, that you know what he did! And put a spell on him! ;o)
    And, I would try to get your money back. You have nothing to lose!!! I will send you some good energy from my end ;o) I am so sorry you are going through this!!!
    I wish you all the best!!! Hugs ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ I totally agree with you and rest assured we will be fighting this should they decide to be assholes about it! My husband is actually going to contact his attorney friend and see what we can do about this!

      Thank you so much for your good energy and kind thoughts! Your friendship means so very much to me!!

      Big hugs,


  3. It's not the cars it's the immoral A-Holes that dupe other people into buying second rate crap... sorry to hear this, in Australia you have to disclose this information before the sale otherwise refund must be given (same goes with any faulty goods from dresses to computers)... I think that person should be ashamed of taking your money under false pretence :( Maybe if the seller agrees to pay all costs to fix correctly (as the car was supposed to be) them they are redeemable?

  4. Kim, happy to hear you will be fighting this!

  5. Is there a lemon law in your state? If so you might be covered for it to be fixed or a refund.

    or you could be like the amish and go to Horse and buggy. lol

    1. Salem Witch Child ~ Yes, actually we do have a lemon law. And we also spoke to our lawyer about this situation. He said that we are legally covered for a refund (thank Goddess!) and that "we are in the driver's seat."


