Saturday, March 24, 2012

To Mom, With Love

Yesterday, hubby and I sent a bouquet of beautiful Spring flowers to my mother-in-law as a way of saying, "thank you" to her and to show our appreciation for everything she has done for us. After all, we did borrow her car for almost a month ~ it was the very least we could do, right? LOL!!!

Along with the flowers, we attached a balloon with a little card which said, "Thanks, mom! We love you, Brett & Kim."

Needless to say, she loved them! This, of course, made us extremely happy ... thanks again for everything you do, Mom!

Brightest Blessings all!!


  1. how sweet of you!..and how kind of her!!
    the flowers are gorgeous!!!!

  2. Very thoughtful of you, and your hubby, Kim.The ones in the phot are gorgeous! I believe flowers cheer people up, and make everything around them seem beautiful. We bring my 97 year old father-in-law flowers every week for his room in the nursing home. He just love them. I make sure that they are different each time. The staff told me that they also enjoy them!!!



  3. Thats lovely of you all,thats what family is all about xxx

  4. This is so sweet Kim ;o) The flowers are beautiful and I love the balloon ;o) Balloons are so much fun ;o) Hugs ;o)

  5. How absolutely sweet of her to let you borrow the car and of you guys to show her how much it was appreciated. I love to see people saying thanks!

  6. What a sweetheart of a mother in law & sounds like she is very appreciated & loved :)
