Sunday, April 29, 2012

Celebrating Beltane

For the past couple of years, I have chosen to spend Beltane with my dear friend Lady Sabrina Rhiannon and her awesome group of gals! Although for the most part I still consider myself a Solitary practitioner, I am finding that the older I am getting the more I yearn to be with my peers. Especially around certain sabbats such as Samhain and Beltane. For me, it is not the same as it used to be when I first started practicing as a solitary many years ago.

Granted, our lives get extremely busy and sometimes we can't always do the things we want to and so I do not get the chance to do things such as celebrate with my friends very often these days and vice versa. As time goes by, it gets ever harder to get everyone's schedules in sync.

This year, I will be celebrating Beltane as a solitary again which is still okay with me and there was a time when I actually prefrerred it ~ eventhough there will be no actual Maypole to dance around with friends! For example, much as with drumming circles perhaps, the feeling you get from joining in with "like minds" is very different than being by ones' self. However, I am used to the solitary life in as far as I still feel the devine during and after ritual.

This morning, I decorated my altar in preparation for my Beltane ritual tomorrow ...

My altar consists of the usual ritual items for Beltane ~ my Goddess and God candles, my little handmade Maypole representing the phallus of the God, a cast iron burner to represent a balefire, my decorations of ivy and rose vines, and of course, my newest addition my Rose Pentacle which holds five little tea lights. I just love it so much!

Whichever way you choose to celebrate this beautiful sabbat, may the blessings of the Lord and Lady be upon you all!


  1. We are going to do something small on Beltane, but this weekend, we are going to do our first burning around the outside fire pit and have a family celebration. You all are welcome to join us!!

    1. Bliss ~ That sounds wonderful!! Perhaps I will be able to take you up on that on a sabbat that falls on a weekend? With having to work, it is very hard to get together with anyone during the week. Too much rushing around, you know?

      Thanks so much for inviting me and I promise we will get together soon!

      Love always,


  2. Your altar is very beautiful!

    I myself when I'm meditating, or in the way in which I pray as a Buddhist, I'm a solitary type of a person, for I like sitting alone when doing either one of these things, but that's me.

    1. Lon ~ That's great! I have noticed that eventhough there are a lot of solitary Wiccan practitioners out there, Wicca does seem to differ from Buddhism in that aspect a bit I think.

      Have a blessed day, my friend!


  3. Happy Beltane, Kim! Your altar is so beautiful. Your new Rose Pentacle looks right at home on your altar...lovely.

    I will be sitting outside my witch's cottage where I will have a fire in our fire pit. As you know, I am a solitary Wiccan. I do love this time of celebration when I can be alone with my thoughts.

    Bright Blessings,

  4. Love your Maypole, and the whole altar. As a solitary all my sabbats are individually planned, though usually my husband and kids, if they are visiting join me. I am hoping the weather will cooperate tomorrow evening so we can light a fire in the fire pit. Otherwise, we will have a fire in the fireplace. Blessed Beltane, Kim!!!

  5. Oh Kim, I just love your altar. I especially like the maypole...brings back fond memories from when I was a child and also the stories my mom told me how she dance the maypole dance. Joyful Beltane to you and all.

    Happiness to you.

  6. Your alter looks so pretty Kim,hope you enjoy your time,blessing for Beltine to you Love Jill xx

  7. Your altar does look wonderful and oooh ahhhh I love your rose pentacle! Emerald green on that one!
    We had a very quite sahmain - not like us, the bonfire has been ready but we decided not to light as had had a huge day out and Brent worked late. We did carve apples which hopefully will get blogged about tonight.
    Blessings to you!
    Love Leanne

  8. Kim, your altar is beautiful! Blessed Beltane my friend ;o) It's raining today, so I will be doing something small inside the house ;o) Big Hugs and many blessings ;o)

  9. Lovely post & altar Kim - wishing you a magical Beltane :)
