Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Huge Hugs, Stacy and more "Thank You's!"

Be still, my heart! After I had gotten home from work today, I received the most special surprise gift from my friend Stacy of MagicLoveCrow!!!  A gorgeous Zen Lady original piece of art from the very talented Simona Cordara of her site Timeless Rituals, compliments of sweet Stacy of course, and a card with an adorable owl on it!! This could not have come at a better time as I have been feeling a bit melancholy as of late. Thank you so very much, Stacy! I LOVE my mermaid and can't wait to frame her!!!

And do you remember my friend and reiki client, Britnee and her awesome daughter Kylie? Kylie is the owner of Neicy, the cutie pie kitty cat that I sat for about a month ago.  Well, today she e-mailed me some very cool pics of Neicy and the girls ...

Neicy 'n' Kaley (Kylie's baby sister) enjoying the view from the front door

My Kylie-girl posing as a little diva! LOL!

I love this one!!

I feel so very blessed to have such wonderful, caring, loving people surrounding me! It is times such as these that make me realize that life is good!!

Love and Blessings to all ~



  1. Wonderful mermaid!! Perfect for your growing collection. Sweet, sweet photos, and my goodness Kylie is indeed a Miss Diva in that photo! Kitties and Kiddies, can't go wrong there, be still my heart!! Hugs Kim, please feel better and cheered up soonest!!

    1. Thanks, Robin! I am feeling better already,
      my friend! ;)

      Kylie looks like such a little diva, but in reality she is the furtherest thing from it. She reminds me so much of a little grown up becuase she is so polite and has such great manners, honestly. Her mommy brought her up right I must say!



  2. What a lovely surprise to come home to.Hope you are feeling better soon my friend.Love and blessings Jill xx

  3. It is all so wonderful :) You are indeed Blessed with the love of many special people. Please feel better soon~~~

    Big Hugs,

  4. Those sure are some pleasant photos, and art, I can see where that would brighten your day.

  5. Hey Kim ;o) Yeh!! Wow, that was fast mailing from Italy!! I am so happy you love her ;o) As soon as I saw that mermaid, I contacted Simona and said, I have to have it! ;o) I hope you are feeling better ;o)I must have known you needed a hug ;o) The picture of you is so cute!! And, I love the pictures of the girls and the kittie ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  6. Hello Kim! Glad you liked it. Wow! Lately shipping from Italy is very fast. Can't beleieve it! :))
    I love your blog!!

  7. Thanks so much everyone for all your thoughtful comments and well wishes!!! I am feeling much better!!

    Merry Meet, Simona!! Welcome and I am so glad you could join us!!

    Brightest Blessings ALL ~


  8. Wow what a wonderful surprise to brighten your days & having that artwork in your home will be sure to keep the smile on your face, just gorgeous! Those pussy pics are divine & I too have a soft spot for Austin Powers - much better than James Bond!
