Thursday, April 05, 2012

My Cat From Hell- Supertease Jackson Galaxy

I don't know how many of my fellow cat lovers have ever actually watched the Animal Planet series, "My Cat From Hell," but I can assure you all that I am absolutely hooked on this show!

It is hosted by Cat Behaviorist, Jackson Galaxy, whose job is to keep cats with all sorts of behavioral problems in their homes by re-training them and, in some cases, their guardians as well. Anyone expecting someone who looks like a "cat whisperer" to show up at their door, may be somewhat surprised to see a rather large man with a long goatee, tattoos all over his arms, and dressed like a 1950's cool cat (hence his nickname "Cat Daddy" perhaps?), carrying a guitar case filled with lots of kitty cat paraphernalia.

"Cat Daddy" is actually the name of Jackson's book due to be released in bookstores here this up-coming May and, of course, you know I can't wait to read it!

One of the things that I truly love about this show, aside from the fact that Jackson really does know his stuff, is how he so obviously invests himself emotionally in these cases as well and therefore works hard to unite these troubled cats with their families ~ and very successfully I may add!

I would also like to add that, in defense of these cats and after watching several episodes of this series, it is more often than not the cat owner's ignorance which causes these behavioral problems because they do not choose to educate themselves before deciding to take a feline into their home!

For example, when I rescued my first rabbit, the first thing that I did was purchase a book on how to take care of them as I knew absolutely nothing about rabbits at the time. I even went as far as to buy a book on how to train my rabbit called, "Hop To It" which taught me how to litterbox train them among other things.

You have to actually watch this show to understand "why" these cats are so, for the lack of a better word, "bad." I don't care if you have a dog, cat or bird ~ EDUCATE! EDUCATE EDUCATE! :D


  1. I've never watched it, Kim. I no longer have cats. 1. Because hubby said he doesn't want anymore cats. 2. We have a 130 lb. Alaskan Malamute that hates cats! But I'll always love them.

    I watched the short video you posted and I could see why some of these cats would stop a lot of people from getting one :)

    When I need to pet a cat I visit my oldest daughter who has taken in two strays.

    Blessings My Friend,

    1. Jan ~ That is so great that you can visit your daughters kitty anytime you like! You have to understand that, much like people, when cats act out it is for a reason and more often than not, people are that reason! A cat with arthritis in their back is naturally going to try to bite or scratch you when you touch them because they are in pain! Did the owners ever take this cat to a vet to get a physical check up? No! Do you see what I mean, my friend?

      Blessings always ~

      Luv, Kim

  2. Kim, I have never seen this show before. I have got addicted to watching the video's! He is great! I just read your response to Jan, and it's so true!
    I find cats, more than dogs, have their own personality. When they want you, they will come around. They are more, how can I say, independent.
    I bet you 100% of the time, it's the owner, not the animal, when the animal is "bad"! Like you said my friend, educate!!!
    Big Hugs, Stacy

    1. Stacy ~ You are so right about that! Cats are definately not like dogs! For instance, if you call a dog, they will come to you, if you call a cat, they will take a message and get back to you! LOL!!!!!

      Big hugs,


  3. Yikes, some of those cats seem awfully scary. It's good there are people who can help the cats and their family. You hate to have to give up on an animal. I don't know that I would watch this show though, because I have a hard time seeing stuff like this.

    1. Robin ~ I understand your squeemishness about watching this show, but take heart they always have a happy ending!



  4. Yup I love that show. I didn't know he was coming out with a book. Good to know I will keep an eye out for it. Thanks.
    Love and Light,

    1. Desert Siren ~ Your very welcome, my friend! I will have to write a book review of it after I read it. ;)



  5. Haven't ever come across him before. Thanks for heads up I'll watch out for his book!
    I have owners ring me for advise often.

    Love Leanne

    1. Leanne ~ I'll bet!!! I, too, come to you for advice from time to time! LOL!


