Wednesday, April 04, 2012

What is a Witch?

What does it mean to be a witch? Well, to begin with, it is far more than simple spells, potions, rituals and divining the future. It is a way of life – the feeling one gets from communing with the elements of nature and every living thing around us. Calling oneself a “witch” means making a personal choice – a commitment to the divine universe and to helping others while enriching our own lives as well through the knowledge of our Mother Earth and Father God.

Being a witch means never judging anyone nor interfering with their freedom and right to choose their own path. It means always respecting yourself, others and the laws of nature.  It means many things to many people. Although, I have often heard it said that it is a lot like “coming home” and, truly, it is.

~  Lady Caer Morganna

(image credit: Brett Witycyak)


  1. Elegantly said, Kim~~~


  2. Kim, you have put the biggest smile on my face ;o) Well said my witchy friend ;o) Hugs ;o)

  3. Bright Blessings.
    My name is Dalton ( Makwa ) & I just wanted to pop in and mention that you have a beautiful site.
    I found it via Google and just had to log on. lol Your pics are awesome and I've enjoyed reading various articles you have posted here. Def will be returning to your site again.
    Blessings & " Happy Samhain" to you & yours.
