Sunday, May 20, 2012

Better late than never ...

Every year for as long as I can remember, my friend Judy-B and I  have exchanged Christmas/Yule gifts. The problem is that we do not get to see each other as often as we used to and so we usually end up giving our gifts to one another long after the holidays are over. Well, this year our gifts were five months late!

I gave her a friendship picture frame which I had bought for her while visiting Canada last year and she graciously gave me some wonderful bath and body products from "Yves Rocher" ...

Orange and Almond Fruits Noel shower gel, Tendre Jasmin perfume, Pur Desir de Lilac shower gel and body lotion

... and an adorable little ceramic kitten playing with a stocking ornament for my Yule tree this year. Thanks, Judy! I love everything!

Like I said, better late than never, eh?  LOL!!


  1. Cute kitty! lovely gifts! and I forgot to say the other day, I LOVE your new header!! Beautiful!

  2. The gifts are excellent! I bet you are smelling so pretty ;o) And, the kitty is adorable ;o) Love him ;o) I agree with Robin, your new header is beautiful ;o) Hugs ;o)
