Monday, May 21, 2012

Getting ready for Canada ... again

Well, it is almost time for hubby and I to travel to Ontario, Canada again with my in-law's. This time; however, we will be driving to New York, then New York to Ontario, and THEN we are going to be jumping on a little cruise ship for a few days. Should be interesting to say the least since I have never taken this sort of trip before.

I wasn't really sure if I was going to go this year as it is getting harder to be away from my parents for any length of time with my dad having such terrible medical issues and getting worse. To be quite honest, I am still not very comfortable leaving the States under these circumstances. Not to mention that we have three cats and a rabbit for whom we have to find someone to take care of while we are away.

"Auntie" Judy giving Midnight some love

My extremely wonderful and caring friend "Auntie Judy" has once again agreed to take care of them for us! Judy is the perferct pet-sitter as she is as crazy about her furr babies as we are about ours and insists on stopping over at our house once a day to feed them, clean their litter boxes and rabbit cage, and she genuinely takes the time to give them the extra love and attention they need. Believe me, this is A LOT to ask of anyone, most especially someone who works full time as I do and has to literally make the time to do this! I am indeed grateful to her for everything she has done and will do again. Judy, you're truly the best!!!

I have promised her that this will be the very last time that, even though she is always such a good egg about it, I will ask her to do this as I feel that it is not fair to count on her every year. And so I have decided that this will be the last time that I will be doing any kind of traveling of this sort ~ atleast for a long, long while.

I also know that I am very blessed to have such loving in-laws who have, in the past three years, given hubby and I the opportunity to go places and see things that we most probably would never be able to afford to experience ~ such as a Hamilton, Bermuda cruise and enjoying a beautiful, relaxing cabin in Ontario, Canada for a week. Perhaps someday, my life will be a bit less complicated with a lot less responsibilities. Hmm, one can only hope! LOL!!


  1. Canada is one place I would love to visit one day! Any chance of visiting Anne Of Green Gables stomping ground???
    I'm sure your friend really loves to care for your animals.
    Love Leanne

    1. Leanne ~ Actually no. We are going to Kingston, Ontario. You would love Canada! I truly would like to live there someday!



  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mel! I will post some pics when we get back on my blog! :D



  3. Kim, you go with your hubby and have a great time! Don't worry about everything! I know, that is easier said then done! I think I would be feeling the same way as you! You are very lucky to have such a good friend in Judy ;o) It's really sweet and special of her! Keep positive thoughts about your parents, especially your dad! ;o) I will send out good energy too ;o) Do you know where you are going to in Ontario?? I wonder if you are taking the little cruise ship up north around the islands? You are very blessed to have great in-laws, but then they are blessed to have you too ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ Thanks so much, my friend! You are so awesome! I would greatly appreciate you sending some positive energy (and my dad would too)!

      We will be starting out in Kingston, Ontario and riding on through The Opinicon on the Rideau Lakes.

      Big hugs!

      Love, Kim

    2. You are going into a beautiful area! Kingston is around a 5-6 hour drive from me.

  4. New York??? new york?? what part of new york? i live in ny, you know. are you driving by here/??? syracuse area??

    1. Robin ~ Hubby tells me that we are going past Syracuse actually. I know we are driving through that area on the way to Ontario. We are going to stay at a hotel in Johnson City.

    2. Kim, if you and Robin meet up, make sure you take pictures ;o) Would love to see them ;o)

    3. Stacy ~ Robin and I are working on it! LOL! You can be sure that I will take pictures! I wouldn't miss it for the world, baby!!! I really wish there were a way to meet you as well, but I understand why we are not able to.

      Hugs, my friend ~
      Love, Kim

    4. Kim, maybe next time ;o) Excellent you and Robin are working on getting together ;o) Hugs ;o)

  5. Enjoy this time, Kim. It will be great for you. You have a wonderful friend to care for your fur babies...Auntie Judy! It is so scarey to leave when someone's health makes you want to stay, but I really think you should try to enjoy this time away from everything.

    Have a safe and beautiful trip~~~

    Hugs My Dear Friend,

    1. Jan ~ You are so sweet! Thank you for your comforting words, it means so much to me, my friend!

      Love and Blessings,

