Monday, June 25, 2012

Oops! A surprise ...

Have I ever told you how dangerous it is to put me in a book store? I ran into "Barnes & Noble" on my lunch hour today for the express reason of buying the new Jackson Galaxy book, "Cat Daddy," and waltzed out with two additional books. LOL!

So, I thought that, in addtion to the three give-away gifts mentioned in my previous post about the Wiccan Life drawing, I would add one more prize to the pot.

One of these two great books will be given away as a fourth gift ...

"The Craft: A Witch's Book of Shadows" by Pagan author Dorothy Morrison

"Cunningham's Book of Shadows" by Solitary Wiccan author Scott Cunningham

But, it is a surprise so I will not reveal which one until next Saturday's drawing!

Blessings All,



  1. Kim, you are so generous. I know because I can't part with any of my books!!! They are like breathing air for me...I would cease to exist without my books :D

  2. My family and I are the same way with book stores. I know the feeling, lol. Cant wait to see which one will be the prize, both seem awesome.

  3. Oh lovely books Kim,Im affraid Im the same when I go into a book shop I just cannot come out without buying 1 or 2 or 3 its just not possible.Love Jill xx

  4. Kim, you are too kind! Big Hugs ;o) This is so great of you! I just bought 4 new books! Love my books ;o) Take Care, xoxoxo

  5. Thank you so much Kim!!! I just got my book today, yay!!! But my sixteen year old is looking very interested in it so I have a feeling she may claim it. None the less I'm very happy and grateful I was a winner. Once again thank you my friend.

    Love and Light...
