Saturday, June 23, 2012

Special Wiccan Life Give-Away!

Merry Meet all! Guess what, everyone? I now have 200 beautiful blog friends! And as my special way of saying, "Thank you!" to all of you for sharing your lives with me through Blogland, I have decided to have a "Wiccan Life Blog Give-away!"

I will be giving away three special gifts:

The first gift is a Glass Rose-decorated Pentagram votive candle holder ...

The second prize is Edain McCoy's awesome book, "Lady of the Night" ...

And the third give-away is a large decocrative Heart-shaped Witch Bottle ...

All you need to do to enter the drawing is:

1) You must be a member of this blog (it's only fair); and,

2) Leave a message in the comment section of this post letting me know that you wish to be added to the drawing.

It's that easy!!! The drawing will be on Saturday, June 30th.

Brightest Blessings all !



  1. Add me! They look cool!

    1. You got it, Judy!! I already added you to the drawing.

      Love, Kim

  2. Me!! Let's see if I get lucky!! Thanks for all your wonderful blogs.

    1. Thanks so much, Mel! I have added you to the drawing, my friend! I wish you luck!!!



  3. Hi, such a fun giveaway !! I would love to join in the fun ; )
    It looks fantastic.
    Have a great day.

    1. Thank you, Monique! You have balso been added to the drawing, my friend!



  4. 200, wow! Good for you Kim! I would love to win any of these 3 special prizes ;o) I love them all! Please include my name ;o) This is really kind of you!
    I have to tell you, I was watching one of the wedding shows on t.v. It's the one, where the girls pick their wedding dresses. I think it's called,"Say Yes To The Dress". Well, this girl picked a beautiful one. It was white, light, fluffy and little flowers on top of the bodice and then she had beautiful fairy wings made for her and they were attached to the back of the dress. I was in tears it was so beautiful. Well, it turned out it was a Wiccan wedding and they showed some of it at the end of the show. I got so emotional, it was so beautiful!!! I was so happy they showed the wedding! They girls had fairy wings too! I was thinking of you in October ;o)Hugs my friend ;o)

    1. No problem, Stacy! I have heard of that show before but I never actually watched it yet. Maybe I will start! That does sound like a beautiful dress and ceremony!

      Big hugs,


  5. Oh my goodness. Please count me in. I would love to enter your giveaway, and hope that I do win. These are great giveaway prizes.
    Thank you for sharing. I am a follower.

  6. Hi Kim Please enter me for your giveaway,hope you are well Love Jill xx

  7. Of course I want to be entered in the drawing. BUT I would be remiss if I failed to mention a certain heart-shaped Witch's bottle a certain somebody presented to my beloved and I oh about 12 years ago. I think it worked! It still graces our bedroom altar and we think of you and of that moment every time we see it.

    Love and miss you SO much!!!

  8. Hi Kim - I would love to be in the drawing! Congratulations on 200 followers! :) Aurora Skye
