Tuesday, July 24, 2012

A Special Request for Stacy

On Saturday, I contacted Stacy from her blog, MagicLoveCrow, and asked her if she would mind painting a crow mermaid and merman for me. And so in her magickal, artistic style, Stacy began working on my crow mermaid painting.

The funny thing is, after she e-mailed me the original sketch it was exactly what I had envisioned in my own mind. A beauitful crow mer-couple swimming together under the moon, with lovely green vines swirling around them in the sea.

This morning she e-mailed me the awesome work she has done thus far ...

Pretty cool! I just love it and I can't wait to see the finished work ~  Great job, Stacy!


  1. I saw Stacy's painting on her blog, and thought it looked perfect for you! I truly envy artists!

  2. Our friend Stacy is such a talented artist! I don't think that there is anything that she couldn't paint! This painting, even though incomplete, proves how talented she is!

    You will own a lovely, special, piece of art, Kim :)

