Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Mermaid Lover

The following is a poem I had written about the ghost of a man who fell in love with a mermaid and, since he could not live underneath the water with her nor could she live on the land with him, he decided he would rather drown than live without her. So every year on the night in which he died, he comes back to see her once again, if only for a night ...

The Mermaid Lover

The moonlight strikes her long blonde hair
She calls to him, "Tis my love there"?
On shore she sits upon a rock
And waits for him to sail the loch

He travels so far for her sweet touch ~
His mermaid yearns for him so much
Crooning for him her ballad of love
And guides his way like stars above

"I'd drown for you, my love, he said
to spend enternity in your sea bed,
For death is sweet forever with thee ~
Our love transcends the land and sea"

She knows come morn as day draws near
Her star-crosseed lover must disappear
Leaving her behind hence another year
To pine for his love, so true and so dear

~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Robin. What can I say? I also love Romeo and Juliet, too! LOL!!!

  2. Kim!!! Wow!!! Very beautiful, but very sad! You are an amazing writer!!! You should really publish your poems!! I would buy the book ;o) I would want a signed copy ;o) Hugs ;o)

    1. Many thanks, Stacy!! It is so funny that you mentioned publishing my work, someone else had recently asked me about that also! LOL! Something to think about maybe?

      Hugs,, Kim

  3. Dear Kim,

    That's a poem in which I find true love in! Your writing is excellent!

    1. Lon ~ You are too kind, my friend! I appreciate your words more than I can say!



  4. You wrote this lovely poem as if "she" truly was a part of you, Kim.


    1. Jan ~ I truly do feel a strong connection with mermaids and I suppose that "she" really is a bit part of who I am?

      Many Blessings and thank you ~

