Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fall Fever!

Even though Mabon/Autumn Equinox is still a little over two months away, I always seem to get "fall fever" around this time of the year. I am very much looking forward to the up-coming Lughnasadh (the First Harvest) celebration and, in anticipation, I have already begun to decorate my home in the middle of this long, very hot and humid season of summer. Crazy as it may sound, I like to do this because it always helps my state of mind as it comforts me knowing that fall is just around the corner ...

(Here you can see a better pic of my Fall Faerie on the left)

You know if I had my way, I would live somewhere where it is Spring one half of the year and Fall the other! Our cats have also been getting anxious for the fall season. Lately, they have been more "lively" than usual ~ running around kind of acting a bit "antsy" so to speak ... LOL!!

Have a fantastic Sunday everyone!!!


  1. It's so astounding to me that you posted this post of yours, because just before my coming here to read and see your lovely photos, I was just looking out my window, asking myself when is autumn going to get here, for autumn is my favorite time of year.

  2. Kim! What can I say!!! I am with you on every word that you posted here :) Your photos are wonderful!!! Yea, to the Autumn Equinox and The Enchantment of favorites, too! Let us not forget Samhain!!!

  3. I also love autumn time but not just yet because we are just starting to get some summer after all the rain we have had.Your fall wreath is lovely.Love Jill xx

  4. You know, I was thinking the exact same thing a few minutes ago. Its 43 celcius with the humidity and I am just so tired of hot, humid weather. I anxiously await fall. I wish I could live where there is perpetual fall!!

  5. Autumn is my absolute favorite. It always has been. I love everything about it! I adore the little wreath you have with the pentacle made with ribbon, how cute!

  6. All us wiccans and pagans love the autumn, that is the truth. As I write this it is 96 degrees, at a little after 6:00 pm. Erggghhhh!!! Hurry Fall!!

  7. I am with you Kim! Bring on Autumn ;o) I love all your decorations! The cats are so cute! Big Hugs ;o)
