Friday, July 20, 2012

Kylie's Special Gift ...

Today was a pretty special day. You see, I had lunch with my God~daughter, Kylianna and her mommy and little sister. I so love spending time with that little girl and this afternoon when she greeted me, she presented me with a special handmade jewelry set that she made especially for me with her very own hands ...

A beautiful purple and pink matching necklace and bracelet! Thank you again, Kylie, with all of my heart and I will treasure them always!!


  1. That is a sweet and thoughtful gift from a beautiful girl, it obviously took a long time to create this gorgeous jewellery for you, how lovely, I always treasure handmade pieces they are so special when created with love... Pleased you caught up and had such a nice get-together :)

  2. Pretty gifts from a pretty little girl,hope you had a lovely time together.Love Jill xx

  3. She is very talented, for that's beautiful!!

    Now for a different subject . . . THANK YOU!!!

    I'm no longer telling people who I am, for as you probably know, I like many of things, and Wicca certainly is one of them!

    This is why I started over with a different blog.

  4. A truly sweet gift. Sounds like you had fun lunch!

  5. Beautiful, thoughtful gift! Sweet girl!

  6. That is so very pretty !! Great work. She really has an eye for colour and detail !!
    Have a wonderful day.

  7. So beautiful...Kylianna, your beautiful gift and the time you were able to spend together.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  8. Kim, this is so sweet! I love the set! I love the colors! It must have taken her a long time! What a great day! Big Hugs ;o)
