Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Busy week ...

This week is my vacation week away from my full-time job. A time for which I always plan (and hope) to get the things done which I do not get much chance to do any other time during the course of the busy year.

I don't know about you guys, but when I have things I need to do at home, I much prefer to be alone. Now, please don't get me wrong as I love my hubby, but there are simply times when I need peace and quiet from the daily stress of my every day life. In other words, I need to put aside time just for me. So far ...

Day one: Hubby's car broke down and he can not get it into the garage until next Monday. Therefore, he had to borrow my in-laws car temporarily. He goes back to work tomorrow. The highlight of my day was when my sister Robin came over to spend the day with me. She helped me cleanse and bless the house and then we went shopping at the craft store for a few supplies to make some homemade wreaths ...

Day two: The landscapers which I had arranged for came out this morning to trim our trees (which were in desperate need of it). The tree branches next to our driveway were hanging down so low that they literally touched the roof of our cars while we were parked. Expensive? Very. Needed? Most definitely! They did an awesome job and I am indeed pleased! Around our house, there are nothing but trees, trees, and more trees ~ maple, walnut, oak ...

Next, we waited for the tow truck to come pick up hubby's car in the driveway. After they left, we dropped our cat Tabby off at the vet for her surgery tomorrow. We can pick her up on Friday afternoon sometime.

Perhaps tomorrow I will have an opportunity to do some things around the house which have been getting a "lick and a promise" for some time now. For some reason, I always feel so much better after I have gotten some well-needed work done.


  1. Goodness, so much for 'you' time! I hope that things have settled down a bit and you have the opportunity to do what you need to feel better.

  2. I too love it when I am home alone to get my things done. However! It sounds like you need another week off to get things done....

  3. I know what you mean about wanting to be alone to do things around the harm in that at all, quite necessary really. Your many-treed lot is quite enviable, I would love to have so many large trees. Especially oak..what a wonderful tree.
    Good luck with the rest of the week! Hope Tabby will do okay!

  4. I understand completely what you mean. If there is even just one other person in the room I am working in, I can't get a thing done! Hope the rest of your vacay is all you want it to be, and that the car and kitty both will be taken care of with no further issues!

  5. Hey Chicky! I am the same way. I like to do things on my own ;o) When my mom goes away for the weekend, I am a cleaning machine! LOL! We are taking down two big trees this year. I understand about the trimming. Your trees are beautiful! Love your wreath! I am sending hugs out to Tabby ;o) Hope you get everything done you need to do ;o)
