Monday, September 24, 2012

Strange Happenings

Let me tell you all about something which has been going on in my cellar for the past couple of weeks now. Two weeks ago, I was cleaning the cat's litter box in the spare bedroom, when I heard a noise that sounded as though something had either fallen down the cellar steps or fell down in one of our closets? It definately caught my attention and I asked my hubby (who apparently had his headphones on at the time at the computer) if he "heard that"?!? Of course he didn't and I told him what I know I had heard. So I proceeded to have us both check the cellar, the attic and all of the closets in the house ~ nothing was out of place. So what in Goddess' name was it?

A few days later, it happened again, that same noise. And once again, hubby did not hear it. Last night while I was taking my shower, it happened yet again and it was so loud this time that I heard it over the running water and hubby finally heard it, too! Ahh! See, I am NOT crazy!

So while I was drying off, I heard hubby closing the cellar door after he ran downstairs to see what was going on? He also checked the attic again and all the closets, etc. Nothing had fallen, nothing was moved. I asked him what he thought it was and he replied, in true skeptic form, "It must have been something settling in the house." Okay, this house was built in the 1950's ~ settling, really? LOL! I, myself, have tried to figure out a logical explaination ~ is there something mechanical wrong down there? We have a tankless water heater so it can't be that.  Oil tank? Doubt it. Heater? Hubby has absoultely no clue either? It simply does not make sense.

I have decided to play it safe and tomorrow afternoon on the first day of my week's vacation I am going to completely cleanse and bless the house. I haven't done this in quite a long time and it is in need of it regardless. I find noises which I, nor my hubby, can not logically explain rather unsettling. Especially since hubby's deceased uncle and cousin who have also lived in this house before us have been seen by his brother and a couple of our friends during one of our Yule ceremonies a few years back. 

Luckily, my sister Robin is stopping by for a visit and I can enlist her help as well. Considering that up until now, we haven't experienced any strange happenings, I have to really wonder what is going and I am more than a tad concerned.


  1. I wish you the best; I've lived in several 'lively' houses over the years and it can be rather disconcerting.

  2. Thanks, Jacqueline! It could just be nothing to worry about, but I am a witch and I feel this is necessary. ;)

  3. I've lived in very old homes most of my life. They tend to be excitable...especially this time of year. As your's is not quite as old, you could have a visitor. My current house is well over 100 and she reminds me that she has her own history, sometimes. I keep brass bells hanging in door frames all over. When I wander by, I ring them. It seems to make a big difference. Cleansing and protection, regularly, are always good practices I think.

    Much luck with your cleansing! Sending happy vibes. Its always possible that something found you enticing and attached itself and followed you home. Hopefully, your blessing will take care of it, whatever the circumstance.


  4. Hope you get down to the bottom of the noise,I know I would not be able to setttle if I didnt know what it was,not that it would scare me just would want to know.Good luck friend Love and blessings Jill xx

  5. I think it's great that you are going to bless and cleanse the house. I know I do our house at least twice a year. In our old house, we did have a lady ghost. She was friendly and visited us often. We actually had one of our Native Canadian Indians come in and do a smudging. I wish you all the best my friend ;o) I know everything will be ok. Are the cats acting up at all? I know our animals would. Big Hugs ;o)

    1. I totally agree. The cats upstairs, save for Midnight, are "fussing" a bit more than usual. You know, acting fine one minute and then super moody the next. I know, female cats! LOL! But this is weirder than normal for them. I realize that there could very likely be a connection ~ often is.



  6. Since it is getting closer to Samhain, the Veil is thinning. Perhaps something is attached to Tabby? She just moved in with you. Have you brought home anything from yard sale, antique store, etc, you know, second hand piece of furniture? I am glad you will be cleansing and blessing, the sooner the better. I do get a little spooked when I hear things I can't identify--it is, as you say, unsettling. Keep us up-to-date!!
    Sending lots of good energy your way.

  7. Robin ~ I thought the very same thing. Seriously ~ Samhain and the thinning veil between the worlds. Also, in our hallway is a mirror facing the open doorway to our spare bedroom, on the other side is our bathroom. Sound familiar at all??? Anyway, that hallway is exactly where hubby's relatives were seen.

  8. Oh no! basement noises scare me.

  9. Good luck with the cleansing. I would do the same ; )
    Have a great day.

  10. If you don't mind, I think I'll light a candle for you.

    1. I don't mind at all. Thank you so much, my friend!


  11. You could always try the cut onion in the corners trick to see if you've got anything down there.

  12. Maybe you have a fun visitor?

  13. Good luck with the cleansing! Sending you protective energy as well!

  14. Kim, things that go "bump" without a reason are usually paranormal. I believe in ghosts as most of my blogging friends and family know. I also need to bless my home and burn sage...I have been seeing shadow figures! Tis' the season...maybe???

    Big Hugs,

  15. I used to get nervous when I lived in a house and heard unexplainable sounds. I agree with Robin that as we're getting close to Samhain that those on the other side may want our attention more. Have you thought of doing automatic writing to see if someone wants your attention. And smudging is a great idea!

  16. Wow!! Well you know they can show up from time to time! Glad you are taking care of it ASAP!
