Thursday, October 04, 2012

Fun Friday and some fun cat pics!

 "Since I got the microwave, I hardly ever use my cauldron anymore."

And just to help you all get ready for Saturday's Witchy Cats Halloween Photo Contest Winner post, here are a few pics of our kitties all dressed up in the spirit of the up-coming holiday ...

Haley the Little Mermaid

Kiki (as herself)

Our little biker chick!

Midnight the Cat Wizard!



  1. Kiki as herself, lol!!! Cute all of them

  2. I can't believe you got your kitties to dress up. If I tried to do that Miss Bella would attack me. I'm laughing hysterically at the photos. Good job to you and give the babies all snuggles for me. Love this!

  3. Love them all. Especially your little devil! Hugs and Purrs. :-D

  4. Love that little devil! LOL! They are all great Kim! So much fun!
