Friday, October 05, 2012


Happy Saturday! First of all my friends, I want to send out a HUGE “THANK YOU” to ALL of you who have participated. You have made this photo contest a lot of fun! It was so awesome to meet all of your kitty cats and learn a little bit about them.

Okay, ready? Now here are the winner’s of the four prizes:

1) Witchy Cats wreath: Sandy Sandy’s “Opie” and “Pye Pye” (Sandy Sandy’s Web Log)


"Pye Pye"
(Sandy ~ since I have both Opie and Pye Pye’s pics entered together, I will also be sending a homemade Catnip Mouse toy to you in addition to your Witchy Cats Wreath.)

2) "Scaredy Cats" Coffee Table Book: Moncha (Magpie Hollow)
"Here's a picture of our cat Saba with her little cauldron. She is a real hunter and very strong. This was taken when she was a kitten, she is much bigger now ; )"

3) Witchy Wreath #1: Willow (Becoming Six)

"Patchouli (aka Chiles, Chulie-Bear) has been with us almost from the very beginning! She and her twin brother LatÈ were the first pets for Sean. And she has been totally in love with him from that day. She often will stroke his face and looks at him with such adoration in her eyes, her feelings for him are evident!"

4) Witchy Wreath #2: Desert Siren  (Everyday Domestic Goddess)

"Well this was taken not to dress him up for a contest but rather my 5 year old daughter torturing him, lol. He was such a good sport he kept the wings on for almost 3 hours before he looked at me like "HELP ME!!" He is the sweetest cat one can ever meet. His name is Goliath and he is a rescue from our local pound and was on death row. He had been there for almost 2 years stuck in a little glass box. We went there looking for our lost cat and as I walked by he had his face smooshed up against the glass and just wanted to be loved. So we asked to see him in the bonding area and the family just fell in love. And since he was in the 5+ years old category we got him at a discount (I know sounds weird but true) so for 20 bucks we got us a new love. So they really dont know his exact age they tell us 5 years old. He was found after his original owners said he ran away and found inside of an abandon broken down car which he was stuck inside. If you look at his left eye you can see its half shut. It got cut somehow and now he has scarring in that eye which causes it to always be smaller looking and very watery. He's okay with his eyesight but we still get it looked at during his check ups. He gets along with everyone and every animal. Anyone who walks in this house gets a warm welcome from him and dogs, other cats, birds and even our turtles he will rub his head against. I cant imagine putting this lovable cat down. I'm so happy we found him."
Congrats to everyone!...BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!!!

Since it was so very difficult to choose from so many wonderful kitties, I have decided to give EVERYONE a gift! It makes me so happy to be able to do this as I truly feel that ALL of you are winners and all of your furr babies are deserving! The following friends will receive a handmade Catnip Mouse toy as crocheted and knitted by me and stuffed with “Cosmic Catnip” for their furr babies ...


"Blue, who we often call the Fae cat, is 5 years old and looks exactly like a Russian blue, hence the name...he is, in fact, the progeny of a calico mother and 'anybody's guess' father that we adopted when he was wee. Whilst he adores me, climbs all over me and generally acts very 'kittenish' when I'm around he is very standoffish with everyone else. Amongst other things, Blue has a tendency to howl at the top of his lungs when I'm sick or in pain...even when I'm inside and he is not; he also refuses to come in the house when I am home alone...instead, he patrols around the house continually until someone else returns home, at which time he will come in and plop himself on my lap or as close to it as he can come if I'm busy with something. Then again, he also loves playing in water and tunneling in the the photograph he has wee snowflakes on his whiskers from doing just that. Altogether he is a delight and my little guardian."

Robin Larkspur (Wiccan Writes)

"Pixie" and "Pyewacket"
Hey, where'd they go???

Peekaboo kitties! Pixie checking out Pyewacket hiding inside the pumpkin bag! LOL!
(Robin ~ I am also sending you a brand new “Cat Dancer” toy for your 5-month old kittens to enjoy!)

Wendy S. (The Year of the Cats)

"Miss Bella"
Very elegant girl!

Sean A. & Willow's
"Mystic (aka Missy, Miss Priss, The Bitch) was adopted from the humane society after the passing of our beloved LatÈ. She was the fierce protector of the water bowl and would attack our feet any time we got too close. Mean and grouchy, she still wormed our way in to our hearts. She was my favorite (shhh... don't tell anyone!). She was with us for almost 12 years before we lost her to renal failure. I spent weeks walking around the house looking for her after she passed and I still miss her daily."

And finally, a special Honorable Mention submitted by Stacy of MagicLoveCrow. This is a loving tribute to her beloved "Falco" ... Thank you so very much for sharing this with us, Stacy! ;)

"I was blessed to have Falco for 18 years. He was my cat and a smart one! He was a rescued cat and the runt of the litter. The first night, mom had him in the kitchen. He could walk around, but she had a gate, that he couldn't get anywhere else. When we woke in the morning, he had caught a mouse on his first night! Mom was like, that's it, we are keeping him! LOL! I am allergic to animals, but I still love them. I had Falco trained, that he would not enter my bedroom. He would wait outside my bedroom door for me. Then, I started feeling bad, so I let him in my bedroom, but not on my bed! That changed too! LOL! He also liked playing high 5 with me! I would say Falco, hi 5 and he would lift his paw and I would lift my hand and we would touch ;o) His favorite treat was licking the salt off of potato chips. I had dropped one on the floor one day, and he licked it clean. Didn't eat the chip, though! LOL! I could go on and on ;o) I will always love my Falco ;o) I hope you enjoyed meeting him ;o)"

  ~ Big Hugs, Stacy

(Stacy ~ You will be receiving a small Autumn Wreath, my friend, reminiscent of the meaning of Mabon and the rememberance of our loved ones who have passed on to the Summerland) ...

So if each of you could please e-mail me your address in which to mail your prizes and gifts to at, I would be more than happy to send them to you!

Have a fantastic weekend ALL!!

Brightest Blessings ~

Kim & Cats


  1. What a great group of photos!! Everyone's kitty is awesome. I especially loved reading Stacy's story of Falco. Thanks for the fun, and the prizes. You are a terrific Cat-Mom. Happy Halloween!

    1. Thanks, Robin! I really did enjoy having this and getting to see everyone's kitties! I loved their heart-felt stories, too!

      I will be sending the prizes and gifts out to everyone early this coming week.

      Happy Halloween to you and the "kids"


  2. Wow Kim, I truly loved seeing all of these beautiful cats and reading about them! Thanks so much for including my Falco ;o) I love the wreath! You have spoiled us all! Big Hugs and Happy Halloween ;o)

    1. Stacy ~ Me, too! I am so glad that you love the Autumn Wreath.

      Hugs ~


  3. Awwww thank you so much. And a big rub from Goliath to you!!! You are truly an awesome person for giving everyone gifts, you are a sweetheart!!!
    Furr love to you and yours....
    Love and Light

    1. Mel ~ You are so very welcome and please give Goliath a GREAT big hug from Auntie Kim for me, would you?



  4. thank you so much, what a wonderful surprise. It is so much fun to see all the pictures.
    Moncha aka Monique

    1. Monique ~ You are very welcome, my friend! I also enjoyed seeing all of the other beautiful furr babies out there!

      Blessings to you and Saba ~


  5. Dear Auntie Kim - Thanks goes out to you this morning for picking us as winners in your Witchy Cats Photo Contest! We are excited about the wreath which will hang in a place of honor and the toy which will undoubtedly be well used. You a very sweet witch indeed. Wishing you and your fur babies a wonderful day and many blessings! Hugs and Purrs - Sandy, Opie and Pye Pye

    1. Sandy, Opie and Pye Pye ~ I so much loved your gorgeous photos! Everytime I see your kitties, I can not believe how comfortable they are in front of the camera! It is great to see!

      Many Blessings to all of you ~

      Auntie Kim

  6. CONGRATS to all the winners...It's so wonderful to see all the witchy kitties. And we're so excited to receive a mousie.

  7. Thank you so much!! I feel so honored! Still competition for sure. Sandy Sandy, what wonderful photos!

  8. Oh goodness, thanks so much! What a lovely surprise when I returned =)

    Congratulations to everyone.....I know Blue will LOVE his catnip mouse; blissout time!
