Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Handfasting!

What a fantastic night! Great ambience, Kim and Eric's loving family and friends surrounding them, plenty of delicious food, and a wonderful time was had by all! The bride wore a black and orange outfit and the groom was dressed in all black attire from head to toe donning a gray and orange tie and a pentagram belt bucket to top it all off. The bride's maids and groomsman were also dressed in all back attire.

Their handfasting was of course Samhain/Halloween themed and they are both of the Wiccan faith. As with most Handfasting ceremonies for which I officiate, the guests were almost completely all Christian and so I added a little introduction towards the beginning of the ritual explaining what they were about to witness. Here are a few of the pics hubby was able to take. As you will see, the couple got married in their back yard and it was rather crowded to say the least ...

Waiting for the procession

 Casting the circle

The bride (Kim) is the third gal in black on the right

 The Handfasting

Exchange of rings and vows

... thus your hands fasted, I now pronounce you husband and wife!
Four big orange air balloons were jettisoned in celebration
The bride slow dancing with her father to the beautiful Stevie Nicks song, "Landslide"
Bride and Groom dance!
Awesome decoratins throughout the house and ouside as well
Oh yes, and there was a special surprise as well. Just before the conculsion of the ceremony, the bride turned to everyone with a tearful special announcement. Her dear friend, Shonda, whom had passed away, was not able to attend she and hubby's most important day with them. BUT, when I arrived home last night I saw a large orb on the right-hand corner of one of the pictures. You can see it in the pic above on one of the brides maidens dresses as she appears to be glancing down at something. It is my opinion (and I am willing to bet) that that orb was indeed her friend Shonda saying, "I wouldn't miss this for the world!" The thought of it both gives me chills and makes me happy!
All in all, a terrific experience and one which I will never forget for as long as I live. Brightest Blessings All!!


  1. Lovely celebration of two people coming together as one, reading this made me cry,hope they have many happy years together.Oh Im sure that the lovely orb in the corner is her dear friend,it looks like the bridesmaid knows she is there.Blessings and love Jill xx

  2. I was thinking about you wondering how the handfasting went. I am sure the happy couple's marriage will be long and loving having such a great start with a special and perfect officiant. You looked marvelous in your beautiful dress.
    I saw the orb and have to say I agree with you about the spirit of the bride's friend being there. I bet that orb turned up in a lot of photos!
    Thank you for sharing this great experience!

  3. Lovely and touching ceremony for two people so in love. You my friend, also added to the beauty and happiness of this wonderful Handfasting ceremony...

    I agree with you that her friend Shona was there and enjoying this celebration in the spirit form of an orb. I am sure that she did not want to miss the Handfasting of her dear friend.

    I truly enjoyed being there via this posting. I have never been to a Handfasting ceremony and it was nice to see one even thru photos...thank you Kim~~~

  4. That looks like a lovely evening! Like the orb! Beautiful night~

  5. You look beautiful and perfect; what a wonderful way for them to celebrate their love and you gave them a wonderful start.

    Hardly surprising her friend would be there with her. =)

  6. Kim, how wonderful and beautiful! I was thinking of you! You look stunning in your dress and the bride and groom look amazing! Thanks so much for sharing this handfasting ceremony ;o) I loved looking at all the pictures! The orb is very special! I to feel it was her friend Shona blessing them ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  7. You look just beautiful Kim and the ceremony sounds like it was pure magick! I'm sure the couple were so happy you were officiating, I know I would be. I bet you're right that Shona was there too, wishing everyone love.
