Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What do you think??

As I mentioned to you all before, I am getting ready for this Saturday nights Handfasting Ceremony. I had every intention of losing a bit of weight to fit more comfortably into my new green Renn dress, but the journey has been somewhat difficult. So although I still intend to wear the green dress, I have decided to pick up a "back-up" dress just in case. Hubby took these pics tonight and he prefers this dress to the green one. It's called, "The Goddess" dress ...

Or do you prefer the Renn dress instead?? ... 

I'd really love to hear your thoughts or any advice you could offer would be very welcomed, my friends!!! :-)


  1. They are both beautiful Kim! It's a hard decision, but I think I prefer the drama of the green Renn.

    1. Thanks, Sandy! I must say that I do actually prefer the Ren dress! It was my first choice!!! ;)

  2. You look lovely in both, but since it is now the Autumn season, I like the green dress! The white and red looks like spring and summer. Just my humble opinion.

  3. Robin ~ Very excellent point indeed, my sister! Thanks!!! :-)

  4. What are the bride and groom wearing? The green has a regal air about it... I'm with Robin on this - the darker color seems more in keeping with the season. (Moment of truth time - green is my favorite color these days.)

  5. I forgot to mention the cat in the background is a very nice touch. ;)

    1. Thanks, my friend! My cat's name is Kiki and I had no idea at the time that she was in the pic! LOL! ;)

  6. Kim, this is a hard choice!! I really love them both! I love how the first dress changes into the different color at the bottom. Maybe Robin is right, the green dress is more for Autumn. If it was for my wedding, I think the first one! LOL! I told you, it's hard! You look beautiful in both! I don't think you can make a wrong choice ;o) Hugs ;o)

    1. You are so kind, Stacy! Thank you!!! BTW, have I told you lately how much I love ya? LOL! ;)

  7. I like both but unlike the others who have commented I rather fancy the Goddess dress. Why? I suppose to me the red and white symbolise the flame of love...as well as both pure (white) and passionate (red) love.

    1. I love that, Jacqueline! You know, my hubby and I got married in the fall and our colors were off-white and burgundy ~ just like the Goddess dress. What a lovely way to describe it! Thanks so much!!



  8. Of course you are stunning in both. But I say find out what the bride is wearing cause it would be a little odd to be wearing the same color as her. Have fun and you look so awesome. Many blessings to you my friend....

  9. I definitely prefer the Goddess Dress, but you should wear what makes you feel your absolute best! ^.^

  10. I love the backup dress. It's wonderful.

  11. Both dresses are beautiful! I'm with you, though, in preferring the renn dress. Green is very fetching on you!

  12. Both are loverly but I like the green one best and it suits you best. xxx

  13. Does anything make a woman feel better than a long dress? I'm with the others who suggest finding out what the bride is wearing and giving her the chance to 'dress you up.' Hope there will be pictures. Cute cat.

  14. Kim, they are both gorgeous and you look so enchanting in either one...so I say wear the one that speaks to you the most for this beautiful occasion~~~

    Hugs & Blessings,

  15. Love them both! Perhaps you can switch half way through? :) They both look perfect in my eyes!

  16. Wow, how nice to have two dresses that you love. I see the Goddess dress as being more for daytime and the green days better to officiate at night time. I"m sure you'll look beautiful no matter which dress you choose.
