Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Preparing for Samhain

Like most Wiccans and Pagans around this time of the year, I have already begun setting up my Samhain altar. And every year, I create an ancestral altar, which is always included in my circle, to honor the passing of my beloved family and friends who have entered the Summerland. Even though I already have many of these photos dislpayed all over my home all year round, it is so very important to me to make sure that at this time of the year in particular my loved ones are recognized and know that they are missed and are with me always. A special white spirit candle is placed in the middle of this altar and a rose encased in gold lies gracefully in front ...

And like many other Wiccans I always ask those who wish to, to join me during my ritual ceremony. I acknowledge the passing of our Lord, Father and God. I grieve with our Goddess, our Earth Mother, at the loss of Her consort while anticipating His rebirth once again as the Sun at Yule.
This year; however, will be especially interesting as I will be officating a legal Wiccan Handfasting the week of Samhain. I am very excited although dare I say a bit nervous since it has been quite a little while since I last peformed this rite. None-the-less, I feel very honored to have been asked to do this and I am currently making the necessary preparations on my end. As per usual, there will be a rehearsal the evening before which I feel is extremely important in order to help ensure that things go off "without a hitch" (no pun intended) LOL!


  1. Oh wow! Wishing you lots of energy for the preparation of the Handfasting, what a great thing to experience! I too honor those who have passed, not only at Samhain, but for most of this month. It sure is a special month. Blessings!

  2. I'll have to get a photo of my pictures with the sage and sweet grass.

    A handfasting? Can't think of anyone better to do it, and with beauty and deep meaning.

  3. I definitely feel the whole month of October is special, truly can feel the Veil thinning. Your altar is very beautiful and perfect for Samhain, Kim.Meaningful and sacred.
    How great to be officiating a hand=fasting. I know you will be a loving, caring officiant, making this day so very special and meaningful to the wedding couple.

  4. Beautiful like always Goddess Kim. And got your package yesterday. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Too kind you are!! *BIG HUGS*

    Love and Light,

  5. How perfect that you're helping to create a "new" life as the old beckons us back into time. And of course, I also think you'll be a magnificent officiant. You have a depth and appreciation for beauty that will lend itself perfectly to the commitment of a couple.

  6. How lovely, Kim. Every thought and detail is beautiful. How wonderful that you will be officiating a handfasting ceremony...I am sure it will be beautiful~~~

    Blessings and Hugs,

  7. Your altar is very beautiful and meaningful Kim! Very special! You will do great officiating the handfasting ceremony! You are a caring and loving person! Big Hugs and many blessings my friend ;o)
