Sunday, October 21, 2012

Never a dull moment ...

A wise woman named Edna Buchanan once said:

 "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves."

I very much agree with her. I wish to thank you all, my friends, for your very caring a supportive comments on my last post about the upcoming handfasting. It means so very much to me to have you as part of my Blogger family! Much love and big hugs!

My apologies for my absence these past couple of days. Friday night, our cat Tabby found her way into our attic and in my attempt to retrieve her, she ran back into the insulated crawl space where the fiber glass is and I could not get to her. When she finally came out, I grabbed her and took her back downstairs. She was full of dust and dirt and I inadvertently got something in my left eye. While rubbing it, I developed a corneal abrasion. OUCH! Let me tell you all, it hurts like nothing I've ever experienced before. Hubby and I spent four hours in the Emergency Room on Saturday morning. They put a few drops of bright yellow dye in my eye in order to examine it. Gave me a tetanus shot and sent me home with an RX for Tylenol with Codeine and a small bottle of Tobrex eye drops. I had to wear hubby's dark work glasses all weekend as any sort of light just made the jabbing pain in my eye worsen ...

How do you all like my Ray Charles look? ;)  Anyway, I am starting to feel a bit better as the meds seem to be taking effect rather quickly. I will most likely take tomorrow off of work for good measure. My only concern now is that I am well enough by next weekend to perform the Handfasting. Keeping my fingers crossed!

On the brighter side, the other two plaques to my "Seasons of Greeman" set came in and the merchant was kind enough to drop them off at my home for me ...

Fall and Winter plaques
I just love them!! Hope everyone's having a great weekend and Brightest Blessings!


  1. Oh, Kim...I am so sorry to hear about your eye! Please do be very careful not to irritate any further. Just take it easy for now.

    I hope that you will be yourself again for the upcoming Handfasting...I'm sure you will be :)

    Love your Greenman Fall and Winter Plaques...wonderful!!!

    Big Hugs,

    1. Thanks, Jan! I am actually getting better already, just not quite there yet. ;)

      Blessings ~

  2. So sorry to hear of your eye troubles, take care and let the natural healing take place. I am sending lots of healing energy and love to you. I am sure you will be fine for the Handfasting! Love the glasses! Take care!

    1. LOL!!! Yeah, I like the shades, too!

      Many thanks for the healing energy! I can feel it helping me! :)



  3. Oh dear Kim! I feel your pain..remember last year I gouged my eye, just before my daughter's wedding. Try to keep both eyes closed as much as you can...blinking irritates the abrasion, as you know. These cats of ours get us into trouble!
    Stay quiet, listen to music. You are one cool cat in those shades!

    1. You know what Robin, the first thing that I thought of afterwards was, "OMG, now I know how poor Robin must have felt!" ;)

      Good advice and well taken!

      Big hugs,


  4. The fall and winter plaques are gorgeous.

  5. Oh goodness, take care of yourself! I must say, however, that you are rocking the shades!

    The greenman plaques are gorgeous! Last Yule I was the lucky recipient of a set of greenman and greenwoman plaques...hmmm, I'll have to remember to get a photograph soon.

  6. Glad to hear you are on the mend! Hugs and Purrs :-D

  7. Kim!! I was wondering where you were? I am so sorry! Please take care of yourself! Shut those beautiful eyes of yours and just take it easy ;o) I have to say, you look really cool in those sun glasses! LOL! You will be fine for the Handfasting ceremony ;o) Sending out good thoughts for that ;o) Love your plaques!!! Big Hugs ;o)

  8. Wow, Kim...when you go big, you go big! What a horrible experience with getting your eye hurt. I'm glad you went to the Dr. and received proper help. Knowing me I would have waited until I was in agony and not done anything about it for a while. Spank your naughty kitty and then kiss her on the nose. Sending you lots of healing blessings.
