Saturday, November 03, 2012

A very special celebration!

Greetings all! I hope everyone enjoyed their Samhain. I know that I did! Originally, I was going to hold a solitary ritual, but much to my surprise and delight, my sister Robin (Aurora Skye) decided to join me this year. It was so wonderful!

We set up our ritual downstairs in my Altar Room and performed an intimate and private Samhain ceremony together. We placed pictures of our honored loved ones, both human and pet, on the altar with the rest of our things and continued to celebrate a very meaningful night.

I am so happy to be blessed with her in my life. She is both friend and family ... and always will be.

Brightest Blessings ALL!


  1. What a Blessing! Wishing you a great weekend!

  2. How lovely that you were able to celebrate together!

  3. You are blessed to have such a one in your life. Envious of a shared ritual on Samhain. Must have been awesome!

  4. Simply wonderful and beautiful, Kim. I wish that I had someone to share my thoughts and such with~~~

  5. I'm having a touch of sister envy - my parents were very careless and only gave me brothers. You are a blessed woman - enjoy it! Just thinking about your good fortune gives me hope and makes me smile.

  6. What a beautiful way to spend Samhain!

  7. What a lovely way to spend Samhain! Have a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for all your help!

  8. This is so special Kim!!! I love your smiles!! Big Hugs and many blessings ;o)
