Sunday, November 04, 2012

With a little help from Nana ...

Well, I suppose in the wake of Samhain, my beloved grandmother (a.k.a. Nana) has been on my mind quite a bit lately. Of the very few crafty-like skills I actually have, she is the one family member who taught both me and my mother how to crochet. Now, mind you, this was no easy task as she was right-handed (as is my mother) and I am a "lefty." Come to think of it, both my parents are right-handed and my brother (my only sibling) and I are left. Strange, right?

So, I used to sit mirrored in front of her and watch her crochet ~ stitch by stitch. I was determined to learn one way or the other. So this weekend, I decided to "get back to my roots" so to speak and crochet a winter scarf and beanie hat to go with it ...

As always, during my Samhain ceremony I had spoken to many of my family and friends of whom have passed on. I asked my grandmother how she wished me to honor her and I truly feel as if I got my asnwer. Thank you, Nana ~ you are forever missed and loved!


  1. This is very touching! I am sure your Nana would very much approve of your hat and scarf. WOnderful job!

    (I cannot knit or crochet...or sew, much to my mom's and grandmaman's chagrin)

  2. How lovely for you to honor your Nana in this way. She taught you well...both are very lovely~~~

  3. That's just lovely! And awesome that you are connecting with your Nana!

  4. This is such a sweet way to honour your Nana; I'm sure she would be very pleased and the hat and scarf are lovely.

  5. Beautiful Kim!! Your Nana taught you well! My mom has tried to teach me and I just can't get it! Your Nana is smiling!!! Big Hugs ;o)

  6. Your beanie and hat are lovely. I love the colors and with each stitch I'm sure your Nana was with you smiling.

  7. What a beautiful way to honor your Nana.

  8. I thin kit's a great way to honor your Nana. I also think crochet/knitting is the perfect fall/winter activity. :)

    I crochet but I put it aside during the summer because I had other things to do. I've been thinking about taking it up again.
