Sunday, November 11, 2012

Honoring our Veterans on Veteran's Day

Today is Veteran's Day here in the United States and as a Girl Scout all those many years ago, I remember at the end of every scout meeting we all stood in a circle along with our women Scout Leaders holding hands while singing the words to, "Taps."

I recall the words to this day as I remember our many brave and honored Veterans. My hubby served in the Air Force and so have many of our other members of our family in one branch or other. I would feel terribly amiss if I did not honor them all in some way today.

My thoughts and prayers go out to them and their families on this most important day of "Thank you's!" The following renditional lyrics of the song "Taps" are the ones in which we were taught when I was a Girl Scout.

"Day is done,
 Gone the Sun,
 From the North,
 From the East,
 From the South,
 From the West,
 Safely rest,
 All is nigh."


  1. Having been a Brownie, I never reached Girl Scouts, but the song you posted is beautiful and meaningful. Thanks for posting!

  2. It is Veteran's Day in Canada too! We were poppies like they do in England. Thank you ;o)

  3. I did not know there were lyrics to Taps. Have only ever heard it with the trumpet....always always gives one goosebumps.

    1. Robin ~ The lyrics I learned in Girl Scouts are actually not the official lyrics as I have seen them, but I must say that I like the Girl Scouts version much better. ;)
