Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Yule Decorations

In keeping with one of my yearly sabbat traditions, I added yet another new Yule decoration this year ... or two or three to my collection. I even found a few really old ones which I had actually forgotten that I still had packed upstairs in the attic. Some of these decorations haven't been put out for quite a few years ...

Jim Shore Snowman & Cat
Yule Wreath
Muscial Skating Snowman ~ plays "Skater's Waltz"
Cat Stockings

Yule Cat bathroom towels

Yule Cat kitchen towels
Some of my Yule nick-nacks
And, of course, my favorite new tree ornament of all, our sweet cat Tabitha!!
I still have a little more work to do before I am completely finished with my decorating, but so far I am having a ball!!!


  1. Everything looks fantastic!! So much fun! I love everything! We are going to start decorating this weekend ;o) Big Hugs Kim ;o)

  2. And it looks great! So glad it's working to lift your spirits. =)

  3. Love the decorations! The musical skating snowmen I just love!

  4. Gotta love all the kitty decorations! We will be decorating after Thanksgiving. Keep on having fun!!
