Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A White Christmas ... eve that is

Last night, as we and the "kids" sat in the warm comfort of our cozy little home, we watched as the first snow fall of the season in Berks County, PA came quickly fluttering down from the sky.

My very first thought? "Oh no, not already?" For as beautiful as the snow truly is, I do not relish the thought of having to drive in it. I suppose it is the difference between loving to play in it when you are a child and having to deal with it on the roads (and shoveling it) as a grown up!

At any rate, it didn't seem to dampen our spirits too much and we decided to have some fun of our own with our furry little reindeer ...

"Mr. Midnight"
And so, as I sit here this morning writing this post, I await my hubby awaking from his slumber that we can all open our be-lated Yule gifts from underneath the tree and then it's on to the start of a very busy day with the families.


  1. I'm from Michigan and we have had very little snow, I mean very little.. It is beautiful and I'm with you, I don't like driving in it.

    Hope you have a wonderful, happy and healthy holiday.

  2. So pretty, Kim :) We've had snow for awhile and yesterday it snowed some more...I was thrilled, just like I was when I was little. I love how pretty and magickal everything looks covered in a blanket of white, but then even though I am 66 years old...I've never grown-up in my heart and soul.

    Your furry children look adorable :)

    Blessings Dear Friend,

  3. Antlered kitties are a great sight to see on Christmas Day, bless their sweet little hearts.
    I love seeing the snow falling, and painting the trees and shrubs, but I too hate the driving in it!!
    Merry Christmas, Kim to you and your sweet hubby and all the furry kids!!! Hugs and love, Robin.

  4. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas ;o) I love the snow so much, but I do agree, the driving isn't fun! Shoveling I don't mind, as long as I can take my time ;o) Your fur babies look so cute ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
