Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Best Holiday Gift Ever!!!

That's right my dear friends, Mr. Gray's re-test results came in just this morning from the vets office ... both of Mr. "Earl" Gray's tests were NEGATIVE!!!! Hubby called me at work to tell me the great news! I just want to again thank each and every one of my awesome friends out there who sent healing prayers and positive energy to my little guy ~ you are all indeed a blessing!

I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas holiday! I know that we certainly did. As per usual, we split up the holiday between our folks. First, my parents place for a lovely dinner and afternoon of opening our gifts ...

Me 'n' my mom!
My sweetie pie dad

Then, on to hubby's folks for the remainder of the day with them and Tulip, their King Charles Cavelier ...

After exchanging our presents, we relaxed and had a little shrimp and cheese snack... ummm good! After which, we finally headed home for a bit of quality time with our fur babies, helping them open all of their gifts from Santa Paws, Nana Rita (my mom) and Auntie Judy ...

Hey, gimme some of that!!!
Mine, ALL mine!!!
Well, that was it for our Christmas this year. We are all so very busy in our day to day lives that every moment spent with family and friends is oh, so precious. And it's these special memories which we can cherish for a lifetime ~ and the holidays are, for us, the perfect time to help create them.



  1. FANTASTIC!!!! Such great news. Hugs to you all! and thanks for sharing scenes from your Christmas.

  2. I'm doing my happy dance! Yepeee!!! ;o)) So happy ;o) Love all the pictures from your Christmas gatherings ;o) You and your hubby are so cute ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

  3. I'm so glad you had such a lovely holiday season. The news about Mr. Gray is the BEST!!!

  4. Fabulous news!! So, so happy that his results are negative! Isn't it just the best to spend time with those you love?

  5. HURRAY for Mr. Gray!! Glad you all had a great Christmas!!

  6. Looks like a great day - loved the photos of the cats opening their gifts. I'm behind reading blogs, lost links when I swapped over blogs, glad I found you again.
    Love leanne

  7. Kim, I am so happy to hear the great news!!! Yea!!!

    Loved the photos and your furry children are so adorable! BTW, love the calico...gorgeous!!!

    New Year Blessings,


  9. Fantastic news about Mr Gray, Kim! I'm so happy for you. I'm glad your Christmas was happy and pleasant.
