Sunday, January 13, 2013

Close call ...

First and foremost, I would like to give a shout out and a huge "Thank you!" to Stacy, Jan, and Stacy's very lovely mom for the home remedies for Mr. Gray's little "problem." I will give them a go and hopefully something will do the trick!

Now for the other issue. All afternoon I prayed to the Goddess that I would not be called for jury duty tomorrow morning. She indeed heard me and the prerecorded message to all from the Courthouse was as follows, "No jurors are to report for jury duty for the service date of Monday, January 14th." Hurray! Hurray, I tell ya!!! I know it seems a bit petty to ask the Goddess for such a request, but my little boy just may have to make yet another trip to our vets tomorrow and I am not taking any chances with him after everything he has already been through.

(L-R clockwise) Tabitha, Mr. Gray, Haley, & Midnight

In the meantime; however, he is still enjoying his siblings company and is very, very happy to be back home with us.  ;)


  1. YAY for no jury duty!! Thanks Goddess! Keeping fingers crossed for Mr. Gray...poor lamb!

  2. Yepeee! Doing my happy dance ;o) I will keep good thoughts for Mr Gray ;o) Big Hugs ;o)
