Sunday, January 13, 2013

What's up with that?

Since we brought Mr. Gray home from the vets yesterday morning, he seems to be constipated. I have tried adding some Clear & Natural medamucil to his food. I even made him a scrambled egg and mixed it in with that? But to no avail. Poor little guy, we can see that he has to go, but just can't.

The worst part about all of this is that if Goddess forbid I would need to take him back to the vet tomorrow, I run the very big chance of not being able to. As per every two freakin' years, (and I can't stress this feeling near enough!), I receive a jury duty summons in the mail from the Berks County Courthouse. Really does suck, believe me!

First of all, there are so many people not working right now around here why not ask them? Plus, there are actually people who want and can serve on a jury and I see no reason why they have to feel they must keep hounding me. I got picked a few years ago and this was NOT A FUN EXPERIENCE by any means!! I had to drive in the nightmare which is called the City of Reading, we sat there with our thumbs up our "a's" until 3:30, they took us into the courtoom and then sent us home because they decided they couldn't use us afterall! What a damned pain, honestly. All we knew was that it was a D.U.I. case which involved a teenager and the judge asked us if there was anyone who felt they couldn't be unbias. About four people stood up and said they couldn't because they knew someone close to them who was killed by a drunk driver. Home we went., only getting paid enough for our gas milage. PFFFF! Since then, they have sent me a summons every 2 years. This time, I fear they will get me and I will have NO choice in the matter at all.  I tried to get out of it right after I got the notice in the mail, but they refused to let me. What a system, eh???

Anyhow, my real fear is that because I can only call after 5PM tonight (you must call the night before the service date) they will pick me this time for sure and should my poor Mr. Gray need to go the the vet I am screwed as is he!!!! We never went through this before with our other cats getting declawed and I think it might be because they insisted on keeping him an extra night.

Oh well, keeping my fingers crossed that he will be okay if I get stuck on jury duty, EHHHHH!!


  1. Have you tried some olive oil? Just dribble a little bit on his food. Poor little guy. I wonder if it has anything to do with the pain killers he is on? Maybe they affected him in some way?? I am sending good thoughts out, that you won't have to do Jury duty!!! Big Hugs Kim, I hope everything works out!

    1. Thanks, my dear friend! I will definitely try the olive oil idea. I think you are right about the pain meds. He isn't taking pills, but has a Fentayl patch on his back. But still pain meds all the same!! :)



  2. Kim, Oh, I just caught this post and wanted to let you know, one of our kitties had this problem all of the time and you know what works .... pumpkin ... we get a can of pumpkin and give her a bit every other day and she has grown to love it. At first she wouldn't touch it (she's peculiar) so we just rubbed it on her and she licked it off. It really works and we give some pumpkin to all of our cats a couple of times a week. Oh, and my daughter just told me it works for diarrhea most times.
    Good luck !

    Happiness always,

    1. Thanks so much Jan! Come to think of it, I sort of do remember hearing about Pumpkin being a good resolution for constipation. Will also give this a go!



    2. I've never heard of pumpkin? Very interesting!

  3. Kim, I just talked to mom for you! She said besides the olive oil, she said the one thing that always worked for her, was, getting some corn syrup and desolving it in hot water. Let it cool and get Mr. Gray to drink it ;o) I hope something works ;o)

  4. FYI ... we found this pumpkin remedy all over the internet and many vets recommend this also. I know of a gal that gives a bit of pumpkin and yogurt (can you believe that) most days ... she says it keeps them healthy.

    Good luck, I know he will be ok.

    Happiness always,
