Sunday, February 03, 2013

A Little Wiccan Life Give-Away!!!

Good morning all! Since it has been quite a while since I had my last blog give-away, I have decided to have another one. These give-aways are just my little way of saying, "Thank you" to my awesome blog friends and members and; therefore, are only open to members of this blog!

The two gift prizes are ...

Hollyberry doubled-wicked, double scented Blue Mountain Candle
Rainbow Votive Candle Holder
All you need to do is leave a comment on this post letting me know that you would like to be added to the drawing. The drawing will be held on Saturday, February 9th and, as usual, the winmer's will be announced here and I will also attmept to contact them via their blog or their e-mail (should I already have it). The winner's will be asked to e-mail me their address to send their gift to and as always their addresses will remain strictly confidential!!!
In the interest of fairness, the winner's gift prizes will be held for no more than three days after the drawing date in which at that point I will pick another winner in its' place ~ so please make sure to mark the drawing date on your calenders my friends!!!  ;)
 Here's wishing everyone a blessed Sunday!!


  1. I would love to be added to the drawing. Thanks so much for your blog, I have learned a lot about wicca and enjoy flowing you. :)

    My Life with Books and Boys

    1. Thank you so much. Rebecca! I have added you to the drawing! Hugs, Kim

  2. Your giveaways usually smell pretty good!

    1. So, I can assume that you are in, dear Robin?? LOL!!!

  3. Hi, Kim! Oh yes! Please do enter me in your drawing!!!

    Your blog keeps Wicca in my soul...thank you for this~~~


  4. Hey Kim ;o))))) Please enter my name, if it isn't too much of a problem sending to Canada??? I know your shipping prices have went up! Hope you are having a great day ;o) Big Hugs, Stacy

  5. Thanks for the follow too kim. So happy to have you on board. :)

  6. You know me Kim I'm always wanting to be in!!! Hope your Imbolc was a magical one. Love and Light....

  7. Hi Kim, Thank you so much for your get well wishes. It means so much to me . I am a follower and do visit often. Please, I would love to enter your drawing.

    Good blessings to you.

  8. Please enter my name for your drawing! Great blog btw!

  9. I'd like to have my name entered for the drawing.
